Hyde Family Lines

Paper trail family lines are organized by the name of the oldest known Hyde ancestor.

Don’t see your line? Enter a message in the comment field below. Please enter the full name of your furthest confirmed Hyde ancestor, including their middle name if you have it, and the dates and places they were born and lived. Spouse and sibling names are a big help in placing them. Ask the questions you would like answers for, i.e. Who are their parents? Where did they move to or from? What happened to this particular brother or sister? Please include your name and email address in the provided fields so we can contact you. Your email address will not be published on the site, but we will use it to contact you when your question is answered. If you wish to be contacted by others researching the same ancestor, you can include it inside the main comment field as part of your comment.

Hyde Family Lines added:

Hyde Lines in England

(Begins on pg 15) John Hyde of Mellor, c 1625-1685

Hyde Lines in America

Hide(s), Humphrey (abt. 1610-1684) – Fairfield, CT

Hyde, Charles (1740-abt.1810) – London, England

Hyde, Henry (abt 1788-1860) – Tuscumbia, AL

Hyde, James (abt 1740-1810) – New Jersey to Hacker’s Creek, Harrison Co, WV

Hyde, John (1722- c 1812) – Luzerne PA to Steuben NY

Hyde, Jonathan (1626-1711) – Newton, MA

Hyde, Jonathan (1727-1802) – New Windsor, MD

Hyde, Micajah (1797-1875) – Hall Co., GA

Hyde, Richard (1611-c1658) – Surry County, VA

Hyde, Samuel (1610 – 1689) – Newton, MA

Hyde, Squire (abt 1762-1847) Plainsfield, CT

Hyde, Thomas H (c 1851-1920) Gasconade, MO

Hyde/Hide, William (??-1681) – Norwich, CT

Hyde, William (d 1745) and His Orphans, PA to NC

Hyde, William (c 1775 -1843) – SC and beyond 

Hyde, William (1780-?) – Breckinridge Co., KY

Hyde, William of Alabama (approx 1795-1835) m Charlotte Parker


  • I am trying to find info on my great great grandmother, Mary E Hyde. She was born about 1858. I know that she married John W Madison on 1 Jul 1874 in Noxubee County, Mississippi. They were living in Ashley County, Arkansas in 1880. That is all that I have been able to find about her. I am trying to find her parents, etc. I would appreciate any help that someone can offer. This has been a big brick wall for me. Thank you.

    • Frances, is it possible for you to obtain a copy of the marriage record? I’m interested in the name of the minister who performed the ceremony, and bondsman and wittnesses, if any. There were a number of Hyde/Hides in the Noxubee area around 1874, so we need to narrow it down. Feel free to email me directly, ann.sterling@gmail.com

      • Ann, I was finally able to make it to Noxubee County a few months ago. I received a copy of the marriage certificate. The marriage was between John W Madison and Mary E Hyde. The bondsman was D B Dew. Witness was W H Kennon and Justice of the Peace was ? Nicholson. I have also done a DNA test on myself, my sister and a first cousin. We all have several matches to families of a Samuel Hyde born around 1787 in Georgia and died after 1860 in Winston County, Mississippi and many of his descendants. I just cannot find a connection to Mary E Hyde or her mother, Mary. I feel that this family must be related in some way. Any help would be greatly appreciated. My email is francesfranco85@gmail.com

        • Frances, it’s likely that you are related. But first, I have three questions. Is the marriage cert that you have a transcription or a copy of the original? If original, does it clearly show that Mary’s mothers name was also Mary? Any chance it’s Martha?
          And lastly, do you know Mary’s middle name?

          • Ann, I do have a copy of the original document. The letter from her mother was a handwritten note, that was attached to the original. It is clearly signed Mary Hyde and is giving her permission for Mary E Hyde to be married to John W Madison. Of course her name could have been Mary Martha or the opposite. I am leaning toward the idea that her father must have already been deceased since the letter was signed by her mother only. I do not know Mary’s middle name. The certificate just has Mary E Hyde. I wish that I could find more to work with. Thanks for your help. Frances

            • Hello Frances and Ann,
              I have been researching Samuel Hyde family for many years. This branch is from Georgia and later moved to Winston County, MS. One of Samuel Hyde sons, John G. Hyde moved to Noxubee County and his wife name was Martha. John Hyde died abt 1858. They did have a daughter named Mary C. Hyde. According to the Abstract of Estate Records(Published by Noxubee County Historical newspaper), Mary name was Mary C. Hyde. I don’t know what the C stands for.

              • Jean, I have found a few clues that I would like to run by you about Mary E Hyde and her mother Mary. In 1880 Census Mary E is listed as Belle Madison. Her mother Mary Hyde is also living in the household. So I searched for Belle Hyde. I found a 1870 Census from Lauderdale County, TN listing Mary Hyde, looking like a widow, with three daughters, Magaret, Martha and Izibel. She was listed as born in SC around 1814. The daughters were all listed as born in MS. Then upon further searching, I found 1850 Winston County, MS Census listing a William Hyde born c. 1808 in GA with wife Mary born c. 1814 SC and three children. Samuel, Amanda, Elizabeth and Margaret. They were all listed as born in MS. This seems to be the same family. Then I found a marriage record in Noxubee County, MS for a William Hide and MAry McKee on 2 Jun 1836. the son Samuel was listed as born c. 1838 in MS. So I have no proof yet, but I am exploring the idea that this William Hyde is the father of my Mary E Hyde, and her name may have been Mary Ezibel. I am wondering if it is possible that Wiliam may have been a son of Samuel Hyde that moved from GA to Winston County, MS. I would love to hear your thoughs.

                • Jean, Frances and Kathryn – you’re all the same branch and I’m putting an email together. There are two wills in Noxubee for Hide and Madison that will be helpful. For anyone whose query I haven’t answered yet, I’m getting to it, just a bit more slowly than usual.

  • My husband’s grandmother was Clarissa Hyde) who married Horton Earl Doty (descendants of Edward Doty who came over on the Mayflower) I have traced the Hyde’s back to the 1100’s(probably are some inaccuracies) I have read and heard that the William Hyde who came from England to Connecticut was related to a Hyde that was the Earl of Clarendon—can this be proven? Would appreciate any info you have–if no info, could you direct me to some sight or person that could help. Thank you.
    Joyce Sherwood

  • Joyce, thanks for your query. Our next newsletter will be published in March and will be about the origins of the Hyde surname, focusing on a group of knights with the surname in the 12th and 13th centuries. There are known issues with the medieval genealogies and we’ll take a look at these in more detail.

    If you are referring to the same William Hyde of Connecticut who is written up in our family lines, (?? – 1681), his parents are not yet known. If you’re referring to a different William, please let me know.

    Many Hyde families, including my own, have a strong oral tradition of being related to the Earls of Clarendon. This is largely based upon a Victorian era misunderstanding, see the first issue of the Hyde Families newsletter for more information. In brief, there was thought to have been a huge estate worth many millions up for grabs, and Hyde and other families in the late 19th century were often duped into paying for genealogies that attempted to graft noble ancestors onto their family trees to justify their claim to it.

    Without exception, the male Hyde line which brought forth the Clarendon Earls died out. The female line survived but lost the Hyde surname through marriage. So while it is still possible to be related to the Earls of Clarendon, it cannot be by way of the Hyde surname. Wikipedia has some well-researched information about each of the Clarendon Earls.

    I’d be interested in hearing more about your research and Clarissa Hyde Doty, and would be happy to answer any questions you might have. My direct email is ann.sterling@gmail.com

  • My Hyde (Hide) ancestor was Micajah Hyde, born abt. 1791, Wilkes Co., GA, died after 1871, Hall Co., GA. He was my 3rd great grandfather on my mother’s side. His son Jesse Daniel Hyde was my 2nd g grandfather. Jesse was born 11 June 1825, Hall Co., GA, died 10 May, 1883, Winston Co., AL. He married Sarah Jarome Barton. They are buried in Sardis Cemetery, Winston Co., AL. Their son William Jackson Hyde was my great grandfather, born 17 May 1861, Lynn, AL, died 17 Oct 1946, Haleyville, AL, married Harriet Elizabeth Barnett Hyde. Their daughter Sarah (Sadie) Hyde Newman was my grandmother. There is a lot of history on the Hydes and Bartons who moved from Hall Co., GA, to Winston Co., AL. To my knowledge none of the living males with the Hyde surname have had DNA testing, but there might be some willing to participate. I have had mtDNA testing on FTDNA and am on the Family Finder project. So far I have not been matched with any Hydes except for my first cousin, also a great granddaughter of William Jackson Hyde. I would be interested in adding our line to the Hyde genealogy website. Thank you, hope to hear from you.

    • Diane,
      My name is Tom Hyde and I have spearheaded the NC Hide Project, We have confirmed that your Hides fit in with the Surry County Hides and we would like to invite you to help in our project. Your family line has been verified and fills missing pieces to our NC data.
      Your family is related to mine and we have a network of people researching Wilkes County, GA.
      Please contact me at dochyde2020@hotmail.com and I will send you information on your Hides/Hydes.

    • I would like some of the information you have if you wouldn’t mind sharing. If you could email me at amberjean3106@yahoo.com that would be wonderful. I am a Hyde by marriage and we know nothing of my husbands relatives. We have tried to do ancestry searches but with out a great grandfathers name we have been unsuccessful. Perhaps you have information that we do not. I know they were from Winston/Walker Co. Alabama but to be honest we don’t know much more than that.

  • Robert Hyde died at Woodplumpton, Lancashire, England in 1735. The record of his burial states him as being “a sojourner”. I suspect that he was a visiting a a close relative, Izack, at the time of his death. He left in charge of Izack a son John. John had a son with a local girl, Sarah Bostock, in May 1747 (although they did not get married until August 1747). I assume from this that John attained his majority sometime in 1747 so was born in 1726. Their son was baptised as John Bostock/Hyde. From no later than the 1756 this couple were at Haughton or Denton in the south of Lancashire, parishes which both border Hyde in Cheshire.

    The questions that I have are: –
    when and where was the John who died in 1735 married and to whom?

    What was his connection to Izack Hyde (also spelt Hide)?

    Where was the son born about 1726 baptised?

    What happened to the John born in 1735?

    Family Trees

    I have an extensive family tree on ancestry.com, but as I have not subscribed to for a while and am not sure that I have access. I can provide a copy of the tree in gedcom format.

    DNA data

    I do not have any!

    Associated website


  • My inquery is about Benjamin Hyde – D.O.B 1804 Ireland – he served in the British army in India 1821 -1842 -court martialled & discharged. Father was John & brother William?
    also served in the british army . Have been unable to find a record of his birth

  • Thanks for your query, Errol. There are limits to what is available online for both Irish birth and British Army records, but I will email you directly so that we can begin to narrow down the scope of where to look. —Ann Sterling

  • Hello, I am interested in learning about my ancestors on the Hyde side. My mother was Julia Catherine Hyde. She was born in Cannelton, Indiana in 1930. Her father, my grandfather, was Ralph Logan Hyde. He was born in Kentucky and died at around age 50 while living in Texas. His father, I believe, was John Riggs Hyde, and he lived and died in Perry County, Indiana. His father, according to what I have seen on Ancestry.com was Samuel H Hyde. He was born in Kentucky and died in Perry County, Indiana. Now, if I am correct, his father was Ancil Ansel Hyde, and he was born around the year, possibly in North Carolina, and died in 1844 in Tobin, Perry County, Indiana. His wife’s name was Mary (Miller). According to what was published on Ancestry.com, Ancil Ansel’s father was Charles Hyde…born in England. Can you tell me anymore about any of these? I really like your website, it is very interesting. 🙂

  • Joan, Ancil/Ansel was a “key” ancestor and in the near future we hope to do a writeup on him. In the meantime, I’m going to put you in touch with one of his descendants. —A

  • My 7th Great Grandfather is James Hyde, he was born abt 1689 in Monmouth Co., New Jersey and died abt 1775 in Hunterdon Co., New Jersey. Married Elizabeth Stout, born abt 1691 in Monmouth Co., New Jersey and died abt 1760 in Hunterdon Co., New Jersey. James and Elizabeth’s children: John, William and Sarah.

    I descend through their son John, born Oct 1705 in Hunterdon Co. New Jersey and died Apr 1795 in Hopewell, Hunterdon Co., New Jersey. He married Ann Elizabeth Runyan, she was born Jun 1706 in Monmouth Co., New Jersey and died abt 1804 in Cincinnati, Ohio.

    I have traced descendants from John and Sarah, but have nothing for William.

    I have participated in autosomal DNA testing with AncestryDNA and FTDNA Family Finder.

  • My great great great grandfather Henry Hyde was born in New York some time around 1780-1800. His son Baldwin Heyde/Hyde was born in New York on 6/19/1819. His daughter Emily Heyde/Hyde was born in New York about 1840, and she passed away in Ohio on 2/25/1923. She was married to John Ingraham and had seven children, six living: Ida, Nettie, Callie, Albert J. Lula B. and Henry Baldwin. Any information you can give me would be very greatly appreciated.

  • I am descended from William Hyde (Hartford, Norwich), Samuel, Thomas, Cpt. Jacob Hyde, Jacob Hyde(moved to Grand Isle, VT), Elijah, Willard G. (Chazy, NY), John B. (Moved to Paw Paw, IL) George Eddie, Sr., George Eddie, Jr., Mary Estelle Hyde Crimm, Margie Laraine Crimm Lindhorst. My mother and I have residences in Monroe County, IL

    We have all kinds of documents from William Hyde to the present and are members of the NSDAR.
    We, too, are frustrated by the lack of documentation for the connection of William to ancestors in England. Seems like everything gets documented in England until the time around 1600 – 1680. Has to be due to many births, deaths, etc. not getting entered into the Church of England records. William must have been a religious dissident. It would make sense to me that he would not want his name on any records until he was somewhat out of the reach of the Church of England. Maybe William was not even his real name!!!

    Thanks for all your work. Very interesting.

    Margie Lindhorst

    • Margie,

      Thanks for your Comment on the Hyde Genealogy Association (HGA)’s website.

      Many of us are frustrated with tracing our Hyde ancestors across the Big Pond to England. A group of us at HGA are actively researching several early Hyde lines that go back to England. For example, my ancestor Jonathan Hyde (1626-1711) arrived in Newton, MA before 1647. His brother Samuel arrived in Newton on the ship Jonathan in 1639. Jonathan may have traveled on the same ship in 1639 but we don’t know. And we don’t know the name of Jonathan and Samuel’s parents or where they lived in England.

      One aspect of our research is to explore the use of DNA testing to try to identify connections between Hyde lines and to verify paper trails. We have had several DNA-based successes. I noticed that your grandfather George Eddie Hyde, Jr, is a direct male descendant from William Hyde. If you could identify a living direct male descendant, DNA testing might be a valuable tool to break down the William Hyde brickwall. For example, does your grandfather George Eddie Hyde, Jr have a living son (your uncle)? If you can identify such a living male descendant, he would be a great Y-DNA candidate.

      We at HGA have a Hyde DNA Project – see http://www.hydegenealogy.org/blog/?page_id=27 Most of us at HGA have dealt with the company Family Tree DNA for our DNA testing (Their website is https://www.familytreedna.com ). If you are a beginner in DNA testing, we can help. I would recommend a Y-DNA test with 67 markers (current cost $268 at FTDNA).

      Best regards,
      Dan C.

      • Dan C.
        My uncle (90 years old) recently did DNA testing. He is George Eddie Hyde, Jr. I am asking my only male descendant cousin (Thomas C. Hyde, Jr.) to get the test also.
        His father is deceased. My brothers, of course, are descended through a female line and not helpful to your Y-DNA project.
        Hopefully, my uncle will agree to have his testing released to your DNA project.
        Margie Lindhorst

        • That would be great, Margie. I should mention that if your cousin is from the same Hyde line as your uncle, for example if your uncle and your cousin’s father were brothers or in different generations of the same Hyde family, their Y-DNA results will be identical or nearly identical. So as long as we have one Y DNA representative for your Hyde branch participating in the project, that’s all we really need. Not that we would turn anyone down, far from it! But we want everyone to be fully informed about what to expect before they pay for a particular DNA test. Don’t hesitate to email Dan or myself if you have further questions.

      • Dan C. Hyde Hello, I was just reading your comment about Hyde’s and a letter I have in front of me says this. “Peter Brown came over on the Mayflower from England 1620. She was told Hydes were also on Mayflower too. But couldn’t verified this. The Hydes weren’t far behind. Samuel Hyde came to Amer. in 1625 and his Brother Jonathon in 1639. The oldest Land Mark in America is Hyde Log Cabin in Vermont. May be we are related. Cheryl Czech

  • Hi there
    George James Hyde is my great great great granddad.
    Through cencus i found they lived at 24 Rathbone Place london.
    He was a lapidist.
    He was married to Elizabeth Hyde.
    His dad was William Hyde.
    Thank you Hydes for any help.

  • I am looking for my Hyde branch, but do not know where to begin. I know one set of my GG or GGG Grandparents were named Orlando Cortez Hyde who married Isabel Barringer. Any information would be greatly appreciated.

    • Kelly, our HGA Editor and Web Master, Dan Hyde, wrote a section on “Getting Started”, in our top menu bar. The first step is talking to your extended family about what they know, especially older relatives who might have stories to go along with their information. For example, I’ve seen the name “Orlando Cortez” come up quite often as a first and middle name, and I’m sure there’s a reason behind it. Start with what you can easily verify, to fill in the gaps between you and Orlando and Isabel, from your parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, on back until you know exactly how many “G’s” to add to that GG.

      The next step is to create a free login on IGI, the LDS database, https://familysearch.org/ I’m sending you links to marriage certs and some other things to help get you started.

      In both census and death records, Orlando’s father is James Hyde, born in MD and mother is Elizabeth Jordan, born in Ohio. James’s father is shown on later censuses (1880) as born in Ireland, mother born in Michigan. Here’s a link to an organization that may have some information, the Irish Genealogical Society of Michigan: http://miigsm.org/ Where it gets interesting is that Orlando’s death record shows James himself as being born in Ireland, not MD. The info on a death record is only as good as the person doing the remembering, although something along similar lines could also be said about census info. There’s a naturalization record in MD for a James Hide circa 1838, the thing is, there were quite a few men named James Hyde who came over from Ireland during this time period, so one has to be very careful to find the correct person.

      As a general rule, anything based on ancestral trees, whether on Family Search, Ancestry, or most anywhere else, should be taken with a grain of salt. I’ve seen references to a James Henry Hyde of MD, but this is not the right James. I’m also seeing trees with clearly the wrong parents for Elizabeth Jordan. In general, whenever the parents are born after the child, in a different country, it’s, you know, wrong.

      Happy Hunting!

    • Orlando was my great great grandfather. His daughter Laura Ellen married my great grandfather William Barrickman Morgan. My brother has Orlando’s cane into which Orlando carved his full name, Orlando Cortez Hyde.

  • I am looking for any information about my 2nd great grandmother born Lily, Kentucky about 1858, married John C Harris and died Dec 1938 thank you

    • Barbara, that’s not quite enough information to go on. Please feel free to email me directly, my address is on our contact page.

  • Sorry the person I am looking for information on is Lucy Hyde born in Kentucky about 1858, married John C Harris and died in 1938 in McHargue Kentucky

    • Lucy A Hide b KY betw 1857-59, m John Harris in Campbell TN 8th Feb 1875, d 17 Dec 1938 either Calloway or McHargue, KY. She appears to be a granddaughter of Dotson Hide, who was the son of Jesse Hide and Elizabeth “Betsy” Percifield. It’s not clear who Lucy’s parents were, as she was not living in Dott’s household after her birth, but appears with his family in the 1870 census along with 10 year old Nancy Blair. Note that a John Blair, age 21 married Mary Hide, age 19, in Laurel County KY in Jan 1854.
      A note concerning Dott’s father Jesse: his parents were not Samuel Hyde and Elizabeth Saunders of VA. Descendants of Jesse, William and Ansel Hyde are matches under the M-512 haplogroup in the Hyde DNA Project at Family Tree DNA.

      • Thank you for this information. As our research goes I am a descendent of Jesse Hyde from the group that migrated to Arkansas, I am anxious to find out more. I to thought Samuel and Elizabeth was Jesse’s parents. SHUCKS

        • I recently came across an old picture postcard. The names on the back are lola and jesse hyde. Both look to be very early or pre teens. 1800’s. This was in some of my husband ‘s pictures. My husband passed away four years ago and he was 96. There is onone left that knows anything about this picture. I would love for someone to have it that it might mean something to.

          • Patsy – Picture postcards were very fashionable from about the 1870’s onward. I’m in a similar situation, I have a few pictures on tin and one on glass and no way of knowing who they are. Very sorry for your loss but 96 is awesome! Please take care of yourself and let us know the details when you can. We have security measures set up on the website but you can email me or Dan with details, https://www.hydegenealogy.com/?page_id=14 Take care and big hugs!

  • Lovely to find some cousins, no matter if by name only.
    I started doing the research for my father just a few months ago and we’ve reached a dead end on Squire Hyde, born approximately 1767, supposedly in Killingly Conneticut, although we can find no official records supporting that. Squire married Hannah Montgomery in 1789 in Voluntown CN and he died in Plainfield CN in 1847. They had two daughters, Betsey Ida and Louisa Ann, and six sons, Squire S, Isaac, Elisha, Ira, Robert Montgomery, and William H.
    Robert Montgomery Hyde was born in Sterling CN in 1808, became a (lay?) minister in the Methodist Episcopal church, went to Lake County, Indiana where in 1840 he married Olive Lucille Flint. RM died in 1884 in Chicago. They had two daughters, Adelia Jane and Anne E and three sons, William Charles, called Carvasso in the family, EdgarNiles, and Daniel Frederick.
    Edgar Niles Hyde was born in 1852 in Porter, Indiana. In 1877 in Chicago hemarried Emma Louise Oakleaf. They had one daughter, Florence Jeanette, and three sons that survived to adulthood, Charles Edward, called Ed, Clarence Minor, whose birth record says Laurence Wilbur, and Fredrick Daniel. Edgar died in1936 in a Chicago hospital from complications of diabetes.
    Fredrick Daniel Hyde was born in Chesterton, Indiana in 1895. He married Lillian Johanna Carolina Silk in 1919 in Chicago. Fred died in 1982. They are survived by their daughter Gloria Lorraine and son Fredric Daniel.
    Fredric Daniel Hyde JR. was born in 1926 and just celebrated his 90th birthday. He married Patricia Harriet Hood in 1952. Their surviving children are Leslie Ann, Robert Montgomery, and Ellen Sue. They also have four granddaughters and one Hyde grandson, three great-granddaughters, and three great-grandsons, two of whom are Hydes.
    Dad and I would really like to find out more about Squire Hyde. We originally thought this might just be an honorific, but it is how he is listed in the various church records we’ve come across.
    I have just recently taken the ancestry dna test and am awaiting the results, which I’ll be happy to share and maybe Dad will want to take the Ydna test.
    Thank you and again, I’m glad to meet more “cousins.”
    Ellen Hyde Horning

    • Willie Earl Hyde aka Uncle Bunt was the son of James Ray Hyde of Denning Arkansas, and the brother of my grandfather Robert Hyde also of Denning Arkansas. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

  • Hello

    I am a descendant of Tinte Hide (1769 – 1843), who may have been related to Nehemia Hide, who may be the son of Daniel Hide, son of John Hide (1667 – 1744)…. This information comes mostly from Ancestry, and the birth and death dates for some are obviously wrong, but I have been able to find supporting evidence for some of it.

    Do you know of Tinte Hide? She apparently was born in Stratford, Conn in 1769 and died in Canada in 1843. Does the information about Tinte seem probable?

    Bill Perry

    • Tinte Hide/Hyde is a documented descendant of Humphrey Hide of CT. I would point you to our writeup on Humphrey but I haven’t completed the revision yet. In the meantime, take Ancestry trees with several large grains of salt, partiularly regrading dates. Several noted genealogists, including Myrtle S. Hyde, have either written or co-authored a number of works concerning Humphrey and his family, several of these are available on the net. The name Tinte is unusual and *might* suggest that one of her parents is somehow connected to the Tynte family of Somerset, England. I wish that you were eligible to participate in our Hyde Y-DNA study, but it’s confined to male-to-male descendants. At the present time, we have only one Humphrey participant, and he matches so closely with descendants of Jonathan and Samuel of MA that they could have been in the same immediate family. So either the old records are confused or the three of them really were cousins. It would be great to find out one way or another, as this has implications for their place of origin in England.

      • Thanks Ann
        I just started looking into this a few days ago. I had no idea that my ancestors lived in Conn. I will look up Myrtle Hyde’s books and look forward to your writeup.

        I had intended to post this in the Humphrey line thread. Should I post it there to keep things organized?

        Many of Tinte’s descendants are buried in Nobleton, Ontario.

        Bill Perry

  • I am also a descendant of Hyde’s. My grandmother’s mother was a Hyde. Her name was Mary Elizabeth Hyde (Brown) Married to Benjammin Franklin Brown. Benjamin was born on April 11, 1864 and was married on January 15, 1899. Mary was born Oct. 27, 1878. And Mary’s Mother’s name was Mrs. Harriet Hyde. And her father AAron Hyde.I have letters that my dad was given by family members years ago. Saying we were related to Queen Ann of England. And our family of Brown name also came from England and was the Knights of Norman. I have recently done the DNA testing and waiting for my resolves. In this letter it states that our descendants has been tracted by to the beginning during the reign of King John of England 1199-1216. Cheryl Czech

    • Cheryl, thanks for posting. Yours is an important line but not in the way that you’ve been told. There’s a lot going on with it, and it’s taken several days for me to decide how best to present this. I think what I’m going to do is put up a page for Samuel and Thomas Hyde of Greene County, PA. They’re not related, but their children and grandchildren are often confused with one another due to naming similarities. A further issue is that Samuel had a graft done within roughly the last century, which links him erroneously to the Samuel Hyde who was the son of Robert Hyde and Jane Underhill (not Underwood, more about that later) of York County, VA. That Samuel died around 1739. I see why Samuel is linked to VA, and that can be explained by a misunderstanding of court records. The irony here is that Robert Hyde of VA appears to have misrepresented himself as a cousin of the Clarendon branch when he was not – that in and of itself is a very long story, because there are two ways he might have attempted this, if indeed it was he and not his descendants who chose to cash in on the name. Both he and his cousin Richard Hyde of VA are of modest origins, but did well in the New World. It’s long past the time that I write about Robert and Richard Hyde of VA, but right now, the ingenuity of Samuel Hyde of Greene County, PA, who purchased 300 acres in an area where there was a need for a ferry, is more pressing. There’s a lot that’s wrong with online genealogy for this line, for example, if people die before they’re born, that’s a problem. If they appear on tax lists in PA then mysteriously sail to China to get married and come back the same year, that’s a problem. If they live more than 150 years, yes, problem. If they die more than a decade prior to making out their will, well, yeah, that too is a problem. I don’t think that we’re going to find any actual records for John and James with the middle name of “Hansford” or “Handford”, but most likely that of “Harry”. That may be hard for some to accept. For the record, it’s easy to get it wrong and we welcome corrections.

      • I am one of the ones that may have my ancestors confused with this line. I have confirmed info back to Samuel R or Arthur Hyde, born 1783, we think in Johnston County, NC or Wilkes Co, GA and definitely died in 1859 in Washington Parish (now Tangipahoa Parish) Louisiana. Lorene Hyde Rambo did a massive amount of genealogy for the ancestors of Old Samuel and has reason to believe that his direct ancestors are Jesse Hyde, 1757 Johnston County, NC, died 1839, Johnston County, NC, married to Deborah Clairborne(?). Last name may not be accurate.

        Jesse’s father could be Samuel Hyde, 1736 Johnston county, NC, death about 1800 buried in Johnston County, NC, married Elizabeth Saunders.

        Samuel’s father could be Robert Hyde, 1716 Granville County, NC, married to Jane Underwood or Underhill.

        Robert’s father could be William Hyde. No reason known for why I would think this???

        Any tips or websites that I could visit to learn more about this line of Hyde’s would be very much appreciated. Old Samuel’s family ended up in Tangipahoa Parish, Louisiana and other parts of the south.

        I do have one biological brother of my father who is in his late 80’s that I think will do a DNA test. I will contact him this week and find out. He has two sons and another brother has one son, so we have a direct Hyde Line for the test.

        I can be contacted at barbduncan999(a) gmail.com Please put Hyde descendants or genealogy in the subject line so I won’t miss your emails.

        Thanks so much for this wonderful effort for the Hyde family!
        Thanks, Barbara Hyde Duncan

        • Barbara – A lot of information has come to light since I posted my 2016 response. There were at least two unrelated Hyde families in the general vicinity of Tangipahoa, LA in the early 19th century. The information you’ve been given is more or less for the line of Robert Hyde of Fellgate’s Creek, York County, VA – this is not the right line for Samuel of Tangipahoa as far as I know. This is not the right line for Jesse Hide/Hyde of Laurel County, KY either. Jesse’s son Samuel is often confused for Samuel of Tangipahoa. They are not related but both do have family connections in TN. Tom did some interviews last year that shed some light on Samuel of LA, let me ask him about this. There is one DNA test that would be helpful, and that’s a Y-DNA (*not* a Family Finder) test from Family Tree DNA. This test can only be taken by a male relative. This is the **only** test available that will show a relationship from father to son back hundreds of years and the only one that works with the Hyde surname study. I mention this because we’ve had some questions about that lately. Either Tom or I will be in touch.

          • Ann, will the basic FTM Y-DNA test be sufficient or is another one preferred? Your comment about two Hyde families is a surprise. As far as I have ever heard, all the Hyde’s in Tangi are kin to each other. Did the other Hyde continue westward or die young? I did read somewhere about one in New Orleans in the same timeframe. Wish I could remember where. I need to pay more attention to details that don’t appear to impact me. There were so many Hyde’s in the early USA history, and Lorene who is an excellent researcher had difficulty finding adequate info to sort them out. I knew I was lost.

            Thanks for being such a good resource for this group and all the assistance you provide.

            • Barbara – The Hyde DNA Project page is here https://www.familytreedna.com/groups/hyde/about/background and if you click on the “join” button in the photo, you’ll receive $20 off the cost of your kit. We recommend the 37 or higher Y-DNA marker test, fewer markers will generate a large number of “matches” with people of different surnames who are not closely related to your male relative. (If the “join” button doesn’t appear, try a different browser.) There’s been some good work done on Samuel, but we should consider undoing the portion of the work that links him with Robert Hyde of York, VA and Jesse Hide/Hyde of Laurel, KY. These families had other Samuel Hydes who were born in a similar time period. What we know for sure about Samuel is that he was born around 1785ish and recorded as making a claim to his property in Tammany / Washington / Tangipahoa by 1808. There were no other Hide/Hydes in the vicinity at that time. His future father-in-law, Matthew Robertson, was nearby and made a similar claim, noted as living on his land by 1804. Samuel and Mary went to the closest urban(ish) area, Amite, to marry in March 1810. Their first child, Claibourne (var spellings), was born in Sept 1810. In 1841 Claiborne is mentioned on a land claim for Choctaw, MS assigned to Thomas Linder. He’s in the 1850 census for St Helena, LA showing born in LA. His brother Seaborn appears next to their father, his profession appears to be “Methodist Preacher” while Samuel and Claiborne are listed as farmers (with quite a bit of acreage between them all!). This 1850 census shows Samuel and Mary as born in GA, which may or may not be accurate (1860 census shows Mary born in SC). So even assuming GA is correct for Samuel, there are quite a few Hide/Hyde/Hedes on the tax lists and censuses in GA between 1790-1810. It looks like there are more recollections and details about his family out there, but it would be great to find the original sources for this information, because some of it – “Deborah Claiborne” comes to mind – is probably not accurate.

  • I am doing research on the Hyde family. My maternal grandmother was a Hyde born in Pontotoc, Mississippi in 1898. The earliest ancestor I can find in this line is: William Robert Hyde. He was born 17 April 1811 in Greenville, South Carolina and died 28 December 1876 in Lafayette County, Mississippi. He married Elizabeth Ann “Betsy” Bruce on 27 November 1831. They named their son William Benjamin Hyde. He was born 23 August 1846 and died in 1908.

    There is a Noel Hyde located in the Greenville area at the time William Robert was born. The several census show him in the area for many years. In the 1810 census there is also a Daniel Hyde, a Christian Hide, a Jacob Hide, a Jno Hide, a Michael Hide, a Moses Hide. There is no one by the name of William or Benjamin Hyde (Hide) in the Greenville area when the 1810 census was taken (again, William Robert was born in 1811 at Greenville, SC. Thus, it stands to reason that his mother and father were in the area during the 1810 census.

    As an aside, there are plenty of William and Benjamin Hydes in North Carolina (particularly Rowan County) for several decades. I wonder if the family information on the birthplace of William Robert is in error.

    If anyone has information or an idea, please contact me at the email address given above.

    Bill Legg

    • Since your post is from 5 years ago, I want first to see if your email is current. I am a descendant of William Robert Hyde. He was born in Greenville County, SC, in 1811 and married Elizabeth Bruce in 1836. His son, Robert Vasco Hyde, is my great grandfather, and his grandson with the same name, William Robert Hyde, is my grandfather. I have not been able to find the parents of the first William Robert. Ancestry says it was Jacob Hide, who married Sarah Eling in 1808 in England, but I don’t consider this verified. I would very much like to know what you have learned.

      • Stephen – I’ll send an email to Bill Legg. Any help that you and Bill can give us would be appreciated, and anyone looking for the ancestors of George Washington Hyde Sr married to Nancy Holtzclaw (numerous spelling variations for Holtzclaw, not for Hyde/Hide) should consider joining you, because there weren’t many Methodist Hide/Hyde families in SC in the 1810’s.
        The best place to start would be records of Lafayette MS – deeds, taxes, wills, church, and so forth. They traveled there as part of a group and you need to get an idea of the families with whom they associated around the time of their move from Greenville SC.
        William Robert Hide/Hyde’s wife Elizabeth Hide was named in her father Joel Bruce’s will (Greenville Index and Will Vol 1-2 Books A-C 1787-1853, Will Book B pg 173 probated # Feb 1840). Joel mentions his second wife Dorcas and her seven unnamed children, his first wife’s father John West, son BF Bruce, dau Clary m Marshall Hawkins, dau Hilvah Bruce, dau Amanda m Redden Smith, executors were Joel’s brother Charles Bruce (m Rachel West) and friend John Roberts, witnesses were Mathias Rush, William I Gibson and S Goodlett.
        There is nothing that I’m aware of to suggest that William Robert Hyde was born in Spartanburg, SC. Tom Hyde has done extensive research there and in Greenville and we have information on the families of all Hyde/Hides and allied families who show up in documents in these areas (the confusion may lie with two men in unrelated families who happen to be named “Jacob Hide”). Quite a few online genealogies are beginning to tie things back to the Hite family in Lexington, SC, as they appear as Hide and Hyde on censuses there between 1810-1840. It’s unlikely but shouldn’t be ruled out, and male Y-DNA testing would be helpful as there are both Hite and Hyde DNA Projects at Family Tree.
        Family Search (requires a free login) has information on the Lexington County, SC Hites https://www.familysearch.org/tree/person/details/KD74-H95

  • Howdy Cuz,
    Yes, it seems like we are second cousins. I live in Central Arkansas, Sherwood, Arkansas to be exact. We are just are on the north side of Little Rock. As a kid I met your father Edward on a couple of occasions but its hard to remember. As I remember he left for the Army in his early twenties. I was traveling through Oklahoma around 1978 on leave and was told that Edward had died and to see if I could pay my respects on the way through. Unfortunately I couldn’t find where the funeral home was. I know your grand father Willie Earl “Bunt” Hyde more. He lived in Denning, Arkansas and was a coal miner till the mines closed down and was as I heard and excellent finishing carpenter. His nephew James Robert “Jim Bob” Hyde was my father, and Bunt’s brother Robert Horace “Rob” Hyde was my grand father. Your lineage is Edward Hyde – Willie Earl “Bunt” Hyde – James Ray Hyde – William Jessie Hyde – Dotson Hyde – Jessie Hyde. I have a family tree on Ancestry.com named Marty James Hyde where there are pictures. I have only been doing this Ancestry thing for about a month and am not even a decent amateur but am growing. I do not have facebook but my wife does, her name is Nancy Hyde and I will let her know to be looking for a friend request. Incidentally in Altus, Arkansas right off I-40 they have the coal miners memorial with all the miners from there. You have a lot of relatives on there including your Uncle Bunt. A humorous note of your grand father and some others. It was the 4th of July and everyone was at grandpa Rob’s house for celebration. I was about 5 or 6 and in the back yard as My father Jim Bob, Grandpa, Uncle’s Bunt, and Loyd were shooting a pistol at the old out house. There were taking sips of what I thought was water out of a glass jar. I kept asking for a sip and they kept saying no. Finally Bunt said give the boy a sip. Contrary to their later statements to my mother and grandmother they all agreed. I took one sip, It wasn’t water, and my mouth was on fire, I could hardly see and snot and tears was flowing like rivers. I ran screaming to the house. As I ran into the house screaming my mom picked me up and said what wrong baby. I told hey they gave me water and its burns my mouth, (yes I threw them all under the bus). As I sat there my mom and aunts consoling me I watched as my grandmother grabbed a broom stick she used to shoo the cows off the lawn go after ALL of them with the vengeance of a Samurai Warrior. Now lets set the scene, here are men that I thought were bigger than life running and hollering like scared little girls as that broom stick connected many many times. Its ingrained into my mind. Looking forward in hearing from you. Marty

  • My name is Michael Richard Hyde. My earliest known Hyde ancestor is James Hyde (1814-1861) of Glasgow, Scotland. He emigrated to Montreal, Quebec with wife, Agnes Clark (1821-1889) and five children in April 1853, on the ship Juliet. I realize this webpage is focused on Hydes in England and the U.S., but would just like to put my info out there as another Hyde family line. I have done a lot of research on my line, but have been unsuccessful in attempts to find my Scottish ancestors (prior to James Hyde). I do have some clues which include a connection to John Hyde Christie (1836-1926), well known as General Manager of the the United Turkey Red Company, Glasgow. More details are available on my website: hydegenealogy@wordpress.com. I would be grateful to hear from anyone with more information about Hydes in Scotland (particularly Paisley, Renfrewshire & Glasgow. Many Thanks, Mike Hyde, Ottawa, Canada – mhyde@outlook.com

  • Michael, I looked over your web page and was most intrigued. I’ll send you a direct email tomorrow to discuss further. We get queries from all over the world, and attempt to assist with all of them. More on that when I get back.

  • we are looking for Benjamin Hyde born in 1800 in New Jersey? Died in 1850 Michigan? stuck on this he married Mary Foulks. Any information on this man would be greatly appreciated.
    Thank you
    Joan Loy

    • Joan, you probably already know most of what the censuses show. Benjamin Hyde was born circa 1800 in NJ, married Mary J. Fulks/Foulkes in Stark County, Ohio on 19 Jul 1827. She was born in PA 1 Nov 1804, parents James Foulkes and Salome/Saloma. Mary’s parents appear next to the couple on the 1830 Rose Township, Stark (later Carroll) County Ohio census. 1840 census in Lexington, Richland County, Ohio. 1850 census for Bloomfield, Morrow Ohio shows their children, in order: Saloma/Salome, Margaret, James Wesley, Jonathan Nolan, Barbara E, Theodore, Francis, Rhoda A and Samuel. Also gives Benjamin’s profession as a cooper. Note that eldest daughter Salome is married to Oliver H Perry (one of many named after the Commodore) and Benjamin is living with them, most likely because he is ill, as he died not long after.
      There’s a book on the family of Jonathan Nolan Hyde that you may be able to check out from a library (check Worldcat for availability) or view at your local LDS Family History Center https://familysearch.org/eng/library/fhlcatalog/supermainframeset.asp?display=titledetails&titleno=236289&disp=Jonathan+Nolan+Hyde%2C+1835-1891%2C+Ri According to this page, the book mentions that Benjamin went from NJ to NY, then to Ohio. If the book elaborates on his location in NY, we may be able to connect him with a particular branch of Hydes. Looking at the associated family names there are too many possibilities.
      It’s curious that there is an Edward Hyde, also a cooper, also born in NJ with wife Hannah born in PA, who is living next door to a Perry family in the 1860 census for Harrison township, Carroll County Ohio (Stark County later became Carroll). He left a will there in 1870, mentions daughter Anilisa and her husband Thomas McCauly, as well as an Emmanuel McCarty. There’s nothing to tie him directly with Benjamin but enough coincidences to merit a closer look.
      Drop us a line if you find out where/when Benjamin was in NY.

  • I am trying to find info on my Hyde family… My grandfather was William Ellis Hyde and married my grandmother lily Mae… She was from England and the met during WWII… I tried to get more info but camber up empty… Any info would be great!

    • Robert, there are a surprising number of William Ellis Hydes and Ellis Hydes, so if you have a location where they might have lived at a particular time, that’s what we need to move forward. Feel free to contact me via email.

      • Robert, your family’s story spans both world wars. Sgt William Ellis Hyde was born in 1929, parents George Edward Hyde and Lobelia “Bella” Candace McKenney/McKinney. Several generations further back are Alvin Samuel Hyde and Orpha Alexander, mentioned in “History of Geauga and Lake Counties, Ohio…” I can talk with you more about who the immigrant Hyde ancestor probably is, although not confirmed yet.

        William E Hyde married Lilymae Petty in Marin County, CA in 1950. She was born in Charleston, SC in 1921. Both were in the army and had been in England during WWII, she as a secretary to Gen Patton. Lilymae’s parents were Edith Mae (maiden name possibly Witte or Witts) and Edgar Gleases (various spellings) Pettie. He was born in Sumner County, TN in 1900 (note that there were several Edgar G Petty/Petties born in TN between 1897 and 1901). Edith Mae was born in England and her family was located in Marlboro/Marlborough, Wiltshire. Edith and Edgar appear to have been married in England in 1919, and Lilymae and her sister Irene were raised for the most part in England from about 1921 onward.

        I’m emailing you some documents to help get you started, and I hope you’ll contact family members and share their stories.

        • Bill & Pat Hyde (William & Lilymae) were my parents. My parents were married 11/4/1950 in California. My dad passed in 1982 in California and my mom passed in 2013 in Washington. I had 3 brothers- Robert (Bobby), Michael and Mark. My brothers were born in the USA and I was born in the UK. Bobby passed in 1975. My grandparents are listed correctly. My maternal grandmother’s maiden name was Witts. My maternal grandfather’s last name was spelled Pettie. My maternal grandparents were divorced in 1921-1922 and my gran returned to Marlborough where my mum and Aunt Irene were raised. Eddie remarried a woman named Becky. He retired from the LAPD and lived in Hemet, CA, until he passed. They had 7 grandchildren. My paternal grandparents George and Bella lived most of there adult lives in Washington. My grandpa George Hyde passed in the mid 1950’s
          in either Centralia or Chehalis WA and grandma Bella passed in 1982 in Aberdeen WA. They are both buried in Centralia WA.
          I believe they had 9 children – 7 sons and 2 daughters. 2 of the boys did not survive childhood. They had 24 grandchildren and almost all of us live on the west coast primarily in WA but a few in Nevada and Bakersfield CA.

        • William and LilyMae are also my grandparents. I was adopted back in 2001. My father was Mark Hyde and my mother was Katherine Farley. Katherine has since passed. There’s a lot of us out there.
          I moved back to New England. Seems our history is spread between England and America.

  • My maternal grandmother (Vera Lavelle Hyde) was born in 1898 in Pontotoc, Mississippi. Her father was Benjamin Leander Hyde and mother was Louella Belle Gafford. They moved to Memphis, Tennessee when she was a young girl.

    The earliest known and confirmed Hyde ancestor of this Pontotoc, Mississippi/Memphis,Tennessee line is:
    William Robert Hyde b. 17 April, 1811 in Greeneville, South Carolina and died 28 December 1876 in Lafayette, Mississippi.

    He was married to Elizabeth Ann (“Betsy”) Bruce on 27 November 1831 in South Carolina. They had the following children: James Benjamin Nolan Hyde; Washington Franklin Hyde; Martha M. Hyde; William Benjamin Hyde and Robert Vasco Hyde.

    It is thought (but not confirmed) that the father of William Robert Hyde was Jacob Hide who was born in 1790 in Lexington County, South Carolina. Nothing else is known of him.

  • Ansel Maddison Hyde 1830 , Savannah GA, who was of the Hall County to winston county AL move and married Mary A Hicks from Savannah Georgia. Looking for info from his lineage. My 4th great grandfather.

  • Looking for info on my 3rd great grandfather William Allen Hyde (born abt 1833 in KY). He is the furthest I have been able to trace back. Wondering if anyone knows who his parents were or if anyone has traced this line back further? Thanks!

  • Dearest Ann,
    My niece Karen told me about your website and I am thrilled…I haven’t had much time to read BUT was so intreged with what I am reading. THANK YOU for researching all of this. I am still a pastor/farmer/landlord and care for our mother so time is extremely valuable BUT I do want to catch up with you. I so enjoyed our visit East and going on the Metro with you late at night and seeing the National Galary in the few minutes we had. Blessings, Michael

    • Michael, it’s great to hear from you! I have a few updates to that page on Jonathan, but it’s been a busy year. I’ll see if I can send a few photos too at some point. Will be in touch!

  • I’m new to this. Henry Hyde b. 1821 was my 3x Great grandfather in Coweta County GA. His father was Hiram b.1801 from Greenville SC. I see some trees that list Hiram father as Noel, b. 1776 but I’m not sure that correct. Does anyone have these guys in their tree? Has anyone connected Carolina Hydes to the CT Hydes? thanks, Greg Hyde Newnan,GA.

  • I Am looking for the family of Richard Hyde born 1810 -1885 in Queen Camel Somerset married to Sarah Hurford married in 1834 @ St Barnabas church Queen Camel Somerset they had a son Maurice born 1831 he was named after his mother as they were not yet married . There was also a daughter Elizabeth Sophia Hurford Hyde she was married twice once to William Smart who died & then to James Chainey they had 5 children Lillie Lorenza Maud & Morris If there is anyone who is related to this family. I would love to here from you Lea

    • Lea, Richard Hyde was a pensioner who served in the 90th Regiment of Light Infantry, Regiment number 749. He enlisted in 1831 at age 21 and was discharged in 1849. He was born in the hamlet of Galhampton, in North Cadbury, Somerset. He had a sister, Catherine, born in Galhampton 1819/20, who married John Slade, October, 1847 (Wincanton Vol 10, pg 865). Catherine appears in the 1841 census in Queen Camel with Sarah Hyde and her father, William Hurford. The Samuel Hyde who married Barbara Jamison may possibly have been a relative. The will of Peter Hyde of Galhampton dated 12 December 1808 might shed some light on this branch of Hydes. If the will does not, I would look for details in Richard’s military record or possibly Catherine’s marriage record.

    • Hi Lea
      I am related to the Hurford’s through my grandmother Daphne Mona Hurford. I am doing research on the family from here in Australia.

  • I am the Great great granddaughter of Eaton Davenport Hyde who was son of Samuel Hyde and of Noxubee county Mississippi. He was a probate judge in Winston County Mississippi. I love all of the information I am reading on this board.

  • On my husband’s family tree I have Hyde’s from England. His G.Grandfather John Atwood Wright married a Mary Ann Hyde born 16 AUG 1819 Eng. her parents were John Hyde B 1790 England
    D NOV 1865 Lexington, Sanilac, Michigan, USA. his wife was Catherine Robinson 1794 England
    D 1899 Lexington, Sanilac, Michigan, USA… They emigrated to Canada had 5 children there, then crossed over into Michigan USA back 1838…The only research which shows what part of Eng Catherine was born is Kent Eng on one of her children’s Death Certificates.

  • I think we might have a connection. I came across
    a mention (I think in an edition of the Sanilac
    Jeffersonian newspaper of the 1800s/early 1900s)
    that your husband’s great great grandfather
    John B. Hyde, was a close, fond friend of Austin
    Wright, brother of my great grandfather, Henry Wright.
    You posted that your husband’s great grandfather was
    John Atwood Wright. Wasn’t John Atwood Wright
    a family member (Father, or son) of Zophar Wright,
    the first store owner at Lexington, MI.? My Wright
    ancestors also departed Canada for Lexington, MI.
    after 1838. Does your husband have in his Wright
    family tree a George Wright, Isaac Wright, Austin
    Wright, Zadock Wright, or William Wright? I ask this
    because my father’s Wright ancestors occasionally
    called their blood relatives their “friends.” I am
    wondering if your husband’s John Atwood Wright
    was a relative of my George Wright. Both lived in the
    Lexington, MI. area during the same time. Thank you
    for your reply. William Wright

  • Hi William Wright, My husband’s John Atwood Wright was actually born in New Hampshire and moved to Sanilac Michigan. I would really like to carry on this conversation about our Wright’s.. please let me know how I can contact you ..

  • I’m trying to find the documentation for John Hansford Hyde. I think his father is John Hyde 1715-1774 who married Lucy Hansford b. 1720. (John Hyde is third generation, after father Samuel and grandfather Robert Hyde. Most from York County, VA.) My cousins have been working on this for a long time, but we are having trouble finding conclusive evidence that JH (who moved to TX) is the son of this John Hyde. Kindly help if you can!
    Thank you,
    Susanne Hollyfield

    • Susanne – at present, there is no evidence linking the John Hansford Hyde who died in TX circa 1851 with the John Hyde who married Lucy Hansford. That John Hyde left a will in 1774 but only named his minor children, Elizabeth, Mary, Lucy, Charles, Robert and Rebecca. He may have had a son John, who was educated at Washington College (now Washington and Lee University) who lived in Lexington, Rockbridge County, VA and died there in 1826. The John who moved to TX is often confused with this John Hansford Hyde and it’s possible both lived in Rockbridge County for a time. To add to the confusion, there’s another John Hansford Hyde who was the son of Charles Hyde and Martha McCue of Greenbrier WV (previously mentioned younger son of John Hyde and Lucy Hansford). It’s also very likely that there is an older son who was not named in the 1774 will, Samuel Hyde of Greene County, PA who married Mary Rebecca Seaton and had a son, John Hansford Hyde, who moved from PA to Ohio. He may be the one who moved to TX but I would need to consult my notes to be sure. At present there’s nothing linking Samuel of PA with the Robert Hyde of York County, VA line, however, it’s very likely there is a link. We have a reference to a Sam Hyde witnessing a 1778 document for Charles Hansford but need more information. The place to look is the Rockefeller Library in Williamsburg, VA. If anyone can get there, I will be delighted to assist you remotely. We’ve been compiling information on this family for quite some time. It’s #4 on the project list (#1 is Humphrey Hide of CT, #2 is Benjamin Hyde and Elizabeth Rebecca Leatherwood, #3 Origins of the Hyde Surname). Sorry this is taking so long.

  • Thank you very much for your comments and suggestions. I know that John Hansford Hyde had a brother named Howson Reid Hyde. If we try Charles Hyde and wife Mary Rebecca Seaton, as the connector between John Hyde and JH Hyde, then we find that her grandfather (among others) is named Howson Kenner. This Howson name crops up from time to time in that line. I’m working on proofs now, and will let you know what I find. Unfortunately, Williamsburg is not an option at this time!

    • The John Hansford Hyde who married Mary “Polly” Strother Gray in TN in 1808 had a son named Howson Reid Hyde, born 1826 in TN. This John Hansford Hyde is said to be the son of “John Hyde Sr and Lucy Hansford” and “born in Mecklenburg County, Va”. Both statements are incorrect. John Hyde Sr of St James Parish, Mecklenburg and Lunenburg Counties, VA was married to Martha Overton, and left a will in 1791. Robert Hyde of Granville who married Harper was his son, and the Speed – Hydes of NY were also his descendants. A different John Hyde (the son of Samuel who was himself the son of immigrant Robert Hyde, lawyer of Fellgate’s Creek, York County, VA) was the one who married Lucy Hansford and left a will in 1774. Theirs is the only Hyde family with a tradition of the middle name of Hansford. It is this John who has an as-yet unproven son Samuel, who married Mary Rebecca Seaton and travelled from VA to settle in Greene County, PA. Samuel’s son is the John Hyde who married Mary “Polly” Strother Gray and moved to TX. Censuses and death certificates confirm John was born in PA. It’s only the 1850 census that asserts he was born in VA. And it might be possible that he was born in what is now WV as Samuel Hyde had family in VA and appears in records moving through VA to PA with the Seatons and a few other families.

      • Has anyone been able to “prove” Samuel Hyde (the one who married Rebecca Seaton) as being the son of this John Hyde? I am of this line and I can’t link them!

        • Amy, there is a family group working on it, and it should be possible to do. Some of the information required is not online, but in the collection of records for colonial York County, VA, available in quite a few locations. And there’s quite a bit of unpublished information in the Rockefeller Library in Williamsburg, VA concerning that branch of Hydes. There’s no question in my mind that Samuel of Greene County, PA is of the Robert Hyde of Fellgate’s Creek line, but proving that John Hyde and Lucy Hansford’s son Samuel was Samuel of PA is still waiting to happen.

  • My grandmother was Jeanette Hyde , married name Jeanette Sturges of Coon Rapids, Mn. I am trying to learn more about my geneology. If anyone knows of any Hyde’s in Minnesota, I still have lots of Hyde cousins living in Minnesota, USA. Would these be descendants of this group of Hyde’s?

  • Jeanette’s father, Norman Edward Hyde, b England 30 Jan 1894 d 24 Nov 1985, mother’s maiden name Parker. Family appears in 1920 Cass, ND census and 1930-40 Hennepin, MN census. Her mother, Clara Josephine Folden, was born in MN, mother’s maiden name Bartness per death cert. Norman was born on Portsea Island (island within area of Portsmouth), Hampshire, England, to parents Thomas Hobbins Hyde and Beatrice Sarah Parker. So, technically, I haven’t answered your question. But it would be wonderful to hear more about what you discover.

  • I am trying to find my family line… Unfortunatley i was adopted and have no way to contact my birth father and my grandparents are both dead.. My Father was Marc Edward Hyde son of William Ellis Hyde and LilyMae Hyde. William Ellis Hyde died around 1982 in a hit and run and LilyMae died in 2013. I do have an Obituary for her that tells me that her family dates back over 200 years in Marlborough Wiltshire, England.. I can’t find much information on anything. I do know my Grandmother was the Staff secretary for general Patton and served in the U.S. Army during WW 2. She Met William at Hamilton Field. That’s as much information as i can find

      • Now is a good time to reiterate, HGA policy is not to release information about living people, not publicly on the website, or privately via email or other types of personal communication. If someone wishes to contact an individual who has posted on the HGA website in the past, they would first contact us. No information is released without permission. It may sound overly strict, but it’s in everyone’s best interests to keep personal information private. That said, please check your inboxes if you have not already done so.

    • Surname of Hyde shows descendants in Cayman, Bay Islands of Guanaja and Roatan. Thomas R. Hyde listed born 1917 From Guanaja died 1985 in New Orleans.

      • TO CORINE;



  • I am looking for ancestors of Julia Hyde, married James Applegate in 1818 in Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio. Julia came to Cincinnati in 1812, by wagon train.
    Julia claims she was born in the State of New York.

    • Usually I can at least narrow things down, but this is challenging in that there were many, many families moving through NY to Ohio – especially the area around Cincinnati, a boomtown in that period – and more information would need to be found. I recommend the Hamilton County Genealogical Society https://hcgsohio.org/ for starters. We know very little about Julia but a great deal about James Applegate, which might help. The Applegate Project has this to say about James and his ancestors http://applegate-project.org/tng/getperson.php?personID=I16304&tree=Main They list Julia as being born in NJ but at least two censuses clearly show NY. There’s one death record for her daughter that is difficult to read but states “Pen” as an abbreviation for PA. The same certificate lists James’s birthplace as “Scotland” so it’s important to remember that death certs are only as accurate as the person providing the information. James was born in PA (there is a Scotland, PA so who knows?) and there’s no reason to doubt that Julia was born in NY. So where did they meet? We know that the starting point of James’s journey was either Northumberland or Allegheny County, PA and the endpoint by 1820 was Delhi, Hamilton County, Ohio, where he and Julia appear in the census next to his father Henry and brothers. They had two daughters by 1820 who were recorded in the household of James’s brother John, next door – I imagine it made sense for all the young children to be in one supervised area. There are no Hide/Hydes nearby, and only a few in Cincinnati, although there were quite a few Heides in Hamilton County. So hopefully the Historical Society will be able to provide some additional information between the years of 1812 and 1820. Ohio was essentially on the front lines of the War of 1812, and there was also a significant courthouse fire, and these things may affect the availability of your information. As a general rule, jumping forward in time, to the records of Julia and James’s children, may provide some insight into their past.

  • I am looking for information on a John Hyde, born 1746 in Meckleburg, North Carolina. Through Ancestry DNA we have been able to make the connection from John Hyde through to my husband’s maternal gradfather, also a Hyde. The question now is how can we now trace this Hyde line back through England?
    Any assistance would be welcomed.
    Thank you

    • Hi Christine!
      Most NC Hydes trace back to Charles Hyde who came from England in the 1750’s and fought in the Revolutionary War. I have traced my Hyde line to a Richard Hide that settled in coastal Virginia in the 1620’s. I lack necessary documentation to prove itthough. Richard was from London and was a stonemason. Here is my email so we can stay in touch. joel2.25dhq@gmail.com

  • Looking for more info on John H. Hyde of England who married Mary Fraser of Scotland. They settled in Essex County, NJ, then Philadelphia, then back to New Jersey. Looking for info back from them. Info on their descendants is already in hand.

    JOHN H. HYDE was born about 1821 in England. He is buried at Fairmount Cem Newark, NJ Sec L lot 125 Grave 3 rear. He married MARY FRAZER. She was born about 1826 in Scotland, and is also buried at Fairmount Cem Newark,
    NJ Sec L lot 125 Grave 3 rear.

    • Margaret, without more detailed information, specifically concerning his first wife and their children, I can only generalize. He may have already had relatives in NJ when he arrived. There were Hyde hatters in New Jersey from the mid-to-late 18th century onwards. Was Mary Frazer his 2nd wife’s maiden name?

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