Hyde, Jonathan (1626-1711) – Newton, MA

Jonathan HYDE (b. 1626 in Eng.; d. 5 Oct. 1711, Newton, Mass.) came from London, England to Boston, joining his older brother Samuel HYDE (b. 1610 in Eng.; d. 12 Sept. 1689) who came on the ship Jonathan in 1639. Jonathan first appears in the records of Newtown/Newton, MA in 1647. He married, first, Mary FRENCH of Billerica (b. 1633 at Halstead, Essexshire, Eng.; d. 27 May 1672) in about 1650. He later married Mary REDIAT of Marlboro, Mass. who died about 1708.


Several people on the Internet claim that Robert HYDE (b. c1592 at Denton, Lancashire, Eng.; d. 1684) and Alice CROMPTON (b. c1595 Crompton, Lancashire, Eng.) are Jonathan’s parents. However, we have never seen any evidence of this fact.


One line of descendants of Jonathan Hyde is at The Hyde Ancestors of Lawrence Hyde (1888-1960).


Two good references (Both are available on the web).


Four Generations of Descendants of Jonathan Hyde of Newton, Mass., by Hon. William Henry Harrison Stowell,  in New England Historic Genealogical Society’s Register,  July, 1917, Vol. 71, p. 257-271; Oct, 1917, Vol. 71, p. 342-353.


Four Generations of Descendants of Samuel Hyde of Newton, Mass., by Hon. William Henry Harrison Stowell,  in New England Historic Genealogical Society’s Register,  April, 1917, Vol. 71, p. 144-153; July 1917 Vol. 71, p. 284.


Dan C. Hyde, hyde@bucknell.edu


If you are of this line, please leave a reply.


  • i am from jonathons line down to when mary ann hyde child of William hyde born 1814 in Vermont,married Russell allen who was my 2x great grandfather

  • My husband’s 2x Great Grandmother was Lydia Hyde who married Chester Ames. Her line is Jonathan and Mary French-Jonathan-James-Ebenezer-Ebenezer-Samuel-Lydia. I have no info on lydia after her husband passed away in 1880 in Erie, New York. On someone’s tree I found a reference to her burial in Kinsman, Trumbull Co., Ohio. I wonder if anyone has any information on her.

  • I follow two Hyde lines:

    Jonathan Hyde, John Hyde, Timothy Hyde, Rebecca Hyde m Moses Whitney

    William Hyde, Samuel Hyde, Elizabeth Hyde m Richard Lord
    and Hester Hyde m John Post, Margaret Post m Caleb Abell, Benjamin Abell m Lydia Hazen

    However, I am a direct descendent of William French, the father of Mary French 2nd wife of Jonathan French.

  • I am descended from Jonathan through his son Jonathan, James, Ebenezer, Ebenezer, John Thatcher, Dewitt Clinton, John Levi, Orpha Ann, Clifford Lynn Wilson, Gerald Lynn Wilson.

  • I am a descendant of Jonathan HYDE through granddaughter, Dorothy HYDE, who married Joseph PERHAM.
    I’m also a KIDDER and FRENCH descendant through other lines…
    I am trying to confirm the identification of Jonathan’s parents as Robert HYDE and Alice COMPTON . Has this been done yet? Or have we found other parents for Jonathan…?

  • Dorothy, we know from Samuel’s court testimony that he and Jonathan were brothers. Samuel was born 1610 and Jonathan in 1626. Samuel said they had come from London, although that does not necessarily mean that they were born and raised in London (although this is quite possible as there were approximately 230 Hyde/Hide families in and around London at that time). Cheshire records show that on 10 May 1624 a marriage license was granted in the Diocese of Chester to Robert Hyde of Denton, Lancashire, Gentleman, and Alice Crompton, Parish of Rochdale, Lancashire, Spinster. Bondsman James Brown. License addressed to all and singular clerks in the Diocese. If you look at page 301 here, https://books.google.com/booksid=ZcrFAAAAMAAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=%22robert+hyde%22+hyde+of+denton&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwir4q6R_6LhAhUuhuAKHebIACcQ6AEIKjAA#v=onepage&q=%22robert%20hyde%22%20&f=false Each of Robert and Alice’s children were recorded in the family bible on page 301, and these correspond with baptisms at Denton Chapel. His son Samuel was born in 1641, much later than Samuel of Massachusetts. Robert did not have a son named Jonathan. Robert’s surviving children, not including his married daughters who had already been provided for, are all named in his will, which appears on page 198. His three sons were Robert, William and Samuel.

    • Apologies for not listing the title of the book, Annals of Hyde and District: Containing Historical Reminiscences of Denton …By Thomas Middleton. There are several editions and Robert Hyde’s will and other pertinent information are on different page numbers, depending on the edition. Middleton got most of his information from the various publications of the Chetham Society, where you will find this same information in several different publications, including particular volumes in the series of Chetham Miscellanies as well as Remains Historical and Literary Connected with the Palatine Counties of Lancaster and Cheshire.

  • Hello,

    My name is Chris McCollister.

    I wanted to share my recent Hyde research to which, I believe I am a descendant of Jonathan Hyde,(1626-1711) from England and migrated to Newton, MA. via Boston MA on the ship the “Jonathan”.

    My father was Jerry Hugh McCollister, son of Ollie Ann Hyde McCollister and Floyd McCollister.

    My grandmother was Ollie Ann Hyde McCollister (b. 1/8/1906 McMinn County TN – d. Oct. 1974 Loudon TN)

    Ollie’s father was Thomas Jefferson Hyde (b. 3/10/1880 Sweetwater TN – d. 7/13/1948 Loudon, TN)

    The paternal line continues as such:

    Andrew Jackson Hyde (b. 10/10/1841 McMinn County TN – d. 11/18/1907 Sweetwater, TN).

    William M. Hyde (b. 1816 Burke NC – d. 1895 McMinn County, TN).

    Benjamin Wesley Hyde (b. 1772 Mecklenburg, NC – d. 1850 Macon NC)

    John Henry Hyde (b. 1746 Mecklenburg, NC – d. 1819)

    John Hyde (b. 7/21/1721 Pomfret, CT – d. 1/8/1765 England)

    Jonathan Hyde (b. 3/24/1674 Cambridge, MA – d. 9/7/1743 Canterbury, CT.)

    Jonathan Hyde (b. 4/1/1655 Newton, Middlesex County, MA. – d. ?

    Jonathan Hyde, Sr. (b. 1626 England – d. 10/5/1711 Newton, Middlesex County, MA.) Migrated from England to Boston MA. in 1639 on the ship “Jonathan”.

    I have DNA tested on FTDNA and have a couple of projects that I am associated with. Would consider joining any Hyde projects and sharing data.

    Kindest regards,

    • Chris, there are some problems with what you’ve listed. John Hyde of Pomfret did not die in England and connections between the 4 generations proceeding him are tenuous. It looks like there’s at least one generation missing between CT to PA. Feel free to send me an email, listed in our Contact section.

    • Hi Chris,

      Do you have information regarding the John Henry Hyde b. 1746 in Mecklenburg? I believe my family descends from him, if his spouse was named Catherine Rouse. Do you know who he married and if he had son also named John Henry Hyde? If so, then the line currently attributed to William Hyde of PA is incorrect, and they should be part of John Henry Hyde of Mecklenburg.


      • Shannon –
        Chris is correct for the first four generations:
        1. Jonathan Hyde b 1626 and Mary French
        2. Jonathan Hyde b 1655 and Dorothy Kidder
        3. Jonathan Hyde b 1674 and Elizabeth Williams
        4. John Hyde b 1722 and Mary Thompson
        John Hyde b 1722 did not die in 1765, as Stowell mentions. He also did not die in England. He did have a son John, who was b 27 Aug 1757 in Canterbury, CT per Barbour Collection CT vital records. The family moved to Pennsylvania and are recorded there during the time that John Henry Hyde was born in North Carolina, so it’s not possible for John Hyde b 1722 to be the father of John Henry Hyde bc 1746 in Mecklenburg, NC. For more information on the family of John Hyde and Mary Thompson, see our page https://www.hydegenealogy.com/?page_id=2222 We need to put up a few pages explaining DNA results in more detail, because the families of Jonathan and his brother Samuel of MA, and Humphrey of CT and William of PA, do match at a superficial level and do share a common ancestor, although we don’t know exactly when that ancestor might have lived.

  • Have lots of evidence my 4th great grandfather John Hyde (1750-1808) died and was buried in New Abington Cemetery in Pomfret Conn. along with his wife Olive Bascom Hyde (1755-1840). John was born in Sturbridge Massachusetts to Benjamin Hyde (1723-1797) and Dorcus Dyer (1726-1798) who are both buried in Sturbridge.
    I suspect Benjamin is descended from the Newton Massachusetts brothers Jonathan (1626-1711?) or Samuel Hyde, but have no evidence for that – can’t find Benjamin’s or Dorcus’ parents.
    One clue is that John’s uncle Othniel Hyde (1752-1832) had a relatively rare given name, and Jonathan Hyde (1626-1711?) had a son William Hyde (1662-1754) who had William Hyde (1690-1754) who had a son named Othniel (1714-1714).
    Possibly Benjamin named his son Othniel (1752-1832) in honor of diseased cousin or uncle Othneil.

    • John, yes, the John Hyde who married Olive Bascom and settled in Sturbridge, MA, was the son of Benjamin Hyde and Dorcas Dyer. Benjamin Hyde was born 4/11/1723 in England according to DAR #A061573 https://services.dar.org/Public/DAR_Research/search_adb/?action=full&p_id=A061573
      There are some old, recursive SAR and DAR lineages that suggest that a Thomas Hyde and an Elizabeth Bloomfield (Marsh) are the parents of Elizabeth Hyde, but this was part of the applications here and also here These older lineages seem to point in vague ways back to Jonathan of Newtown or William of Norwich, but there’s no clear line of descent and neither Benjamin nor Thomas Hyde appear in Walworth’s book on the descendant’s of William of Norwich, and I can find no mention of Benjamin and Dorcas in my Jonathan Hyde materials. Sturbridge, MA was settled in 1729 by settles from Medfield, but town records don’t mention Hide/Hydes in Medfield around the time of Benjamin’s birth. Sturbridge town records supposedly show Benjamin’s birth 11 April 1723 – having looked through the earliest BMD’s and town records in Sturbridge, there does not appear to be an actual birth record for Benjamin here. DAR wouldn’t state that he was born in England without paperwork confirming it, so Benjamin was the immigrant ancestor. The Sturbridge records have been distilled into a well-maintained tree on Family Search, you may have to create a free login to view here: https://www.familysearch.org/tree/person/details/MKKV-ZBY?icid=amp_hdr_signin

    • John, yes, the John Hyde who married Olive Bascom and settled in Sturbridge, MA, was the son of Benjamin Hyde and Dorcas Dyer. Benjamin Hyde was born 4/11/1723 in England according to DAR #A061573 https://services.dar.org/Public/DAR_Research/search_adb/?action=full&p_id=A061573
      There are some old, recursive SAR and DAR lineages here and also here These older lineages seem to point in vague ways back to Jonathan of Newtown or William of Norwich, but there’s no clear line of descent and neither Benjamin nor Thomas Hyde appear in Walworth’s book on the descendant’s of William of Norwich, and I can find no mention of Benjamin and Dorcas in my Jonathan and Samuel Hyde materials. Sturbridge, MA was settled in 1729 by settlers from Medfield, but town records don’t mention any Hide/Hydes in Medfield around the time of Benjamin’s birth. Sturbridge town records supposedly show Benjamin’s birth 11 April 1723 – having looked through the earliest BMD’s and town records, there does not appear to be an actual birth record for Benjamin in MA, nor were there any other Hydes living there in the time frame. I’m inclined to believe that the Information DAR has is correct and that he is the immigrant ancestor. He and Dorcas, both “of Sturbridge”, were married 21 Nov 1745, so best estimate of his arrival is around 1743. There should be some record of a land purchase right around the time of his marriage. He also left a will in Sturbridge ca 1797. 

  • Hi,
    I am a descendent of Henry Hyde (b abt 1785 in Vt) and Sally Hill. They were in Genesee NY in 1810 and then moved on to Ohio.
    This Henry may be the Henry in The Hyde Family by Milton C Hyde (Rutland, VT: Rufus S Warner) This line is
    1. Jonathan Hyde (1626) – Mary French
    2. Jonathan Hyde (1655) – Dorothy Kidder
    3. James Hyde (1683) – Mary Utter
    4. Jabez Hyde (1716) – Hannah Bacon
    5. Jabez Hyde (1741) – Elizabeth Glazier
    6. Henry Hyde (15 May 1785)
    I am interested if there is any information that will connect my Henry to this line. I am willing to share my research that takes me back to Henry and Sally.

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