Hyde, Micajah (abt 1797-1875)-Hall Co., GA

Micajah Hyde was born abt. 1797 in Wilkes Co., GA and died 1875 in Hall Co., GA. His wife was a Mary,  last name unknown. I think his father was David Hide (Hyde) born about 1768 in Wilkes, GA, died about 1845 in Hall Co., GA.


Micajah and Mary Hyde’s children were the following:


  1. Jesse Daniel Hyde was born 11 June 1825 in Hall Co., GA and died 10 May, 1883 in  Winston Co., AL.  Jesse married Sarah Jarome Barton on 3 Sept 1850 in Hall Co., GA.  They are both buried in Sardis Cemetery, Winston Co., AL.


    Their son William Jackson Hyde was born 17 May 1861 in Lynn, AL and died 17 Oct 1946 in  Haleyville, AL.  William married Harriet Elizabeth Barnett Hyde.  Their daughter Sarah (Sadie) Hyde Newman was my grandmother. I have a lot of history on the Hydes and Bartons who moved from Hall Co., GA, to Winston Co., AL.


  3. Greenberry Hyde b. 1826 Hall Co., GA, married Mary Jane Bell 29 Aug 1843


  5. Harriet Hyde b.1829 Hall Co., GA, married Elias E. Alred 11 Sept 1847


  7. Elizabeth Hyde b. 1830 Hall Co., GA


  9. William Jackson Hyde b. 1834 Hall Co., GA, d. Oct 1855, married Mary Carolina Head 15 Mar 1852


  11. Melinda Hyde b. 11 Oct 1839 Hall Co., GA, d. 11 Sept 1913 Hall Co., GA, married Levi Broom 28 Dec 1856


  13. Mary Hyde b. 1826 Hall Co., GA, married John Simmons


  15. Susannah J. Hyde b. 1838 Hall Co., GA marriage not known


Diane Parvin


We are searching for answers to the following questions:


1. Who were Micajah Hyde’s parents?


2. Who was Micajah’s wife Mary’s last name?

Other research questions?


DNA Data:

To my knowledge none of the living males in this Hyde line have had Y-DNA testing, but there might be some willing to participate.  I have had mtDNA and Family Finder testing done at on FTDNA.  So far I have not been matched with any Hydes except for my first cousin, also a great granddaughter of William Jackson Hyde.


If you are of this line, please leave a reply with your name and email address. Thanks!


  • I’m not sure if i fall in to the hall county georga lines but i do know my great grandfather was from north ga his name was joe hyde and he married a Cherokee names xenobia from winston county alabama and that is currently where i reside. my grand father had brothers and som more family mov to this area also

  • I am the great granddaughter of William Jackson Hyde. My grand father was Joe R. Hyde. usually called Rile by everyone who knew him. I have been trying to trace the line and have gotten as far as some census that put Jesse next door to Macajah. There is even one with David and Macajah. Just wondering how far along you are in your search?

  • Richard Hyde may have been the first immigrant in my family line: 1. Richard Hyde married Mary Cotton.
    2. Richard Hyde married Mary Evans. 3. David Hyde married Mary Wilkins. 5. Stephen Hyde married Mary mollie L Waddell. 6. Noel Hyde married Elizabeth Black. 7. Charles William Waddell Hyde married Mary Williams. 8. Charles William Hyde married Martha Lathona White. 9. Ira Herschel Hansel Jackson Hyde married Maude Elizabeth Woodward. 10. Urban Alexander Hyde married Lillian Eliese Wildman (my parents.) As the 11th generation in this line of Hydes, originally from South Carolina, I’m wanting to know more factual information about those first two Richard Hydes. I HAVE NO IDEA IF MY LINE EVER LIVED IN NORTH CAROLINA. Thanks for any asssistance.
    Dorothy Hyde Martin, Austin

    • Dorothy, there were three Stephen Hyde/Hides in the 1790 census. One of them is Stephen Hyde of Anson County, NC, who was the son of David Hyde and Mary Wilkins. He is mentioned in David Hyde’s will (NC, 1785). He was a slaveholder, as were almost all in the extended Richard Hyde line. This Stephen of Anson was married to Susanna Colson Fanning and is also mentioned in her father John Colson’s will (SC, 1789). John Colson was a Tory and I believe that Stephen was also. Both Hyde and Colson complained to the provisional government of NC concerning confiscation of their lands, 1786 – that record will clarify this Stephen’s descendants.
      The second Stephen only appears in the 1790 census and no other. I *think* Stephen Hide of Surry County, SC is the one married to Mary “Mollie” Waddell, and she appears as a widow in the 1800 Spartanburg, SC census, very close to Stephen’s brother George Hyde/Hide, who has moved from his land in Surry NC to Spartanburg SC. This branch of Hydes did not leave wills, but there are associations with probate records and land purchases between a Samuel, George, Charles and this Stephen Hide/Hyde. Possibly someone could jump in here with additional information? This is where I get confused.
      The third Stephen Hide/Hyde/Hede appears in Greenville, SC in 1790 and is the one associated with the Noel Hide who married Elizabeth Black. James, Noel and Isaiah Hide are all quite close to one another on the 1800 census, while Stephen is either not in Greenville or not a head of household (look for older males)…so I’m not saying that the Stephen Hide/Hyde of Surry is *not* Noel’s father, just that we need some clarification between Stephen of Greenville, SC and Stephen of Surry, NC – one of whom served in the Revolutionary War. Anyone? Tom?

      • Look at the year 1610-1669 he’s the first,1647- 1710 2nd, 1705- 1785 3th, Richard the pirate was just that.work your way back .

        • I’m direct line, if your kin to Richard hyde, David hyde 1805 hall co G.A, you go back to the year 1167, an even to the 4th cent

    • Hello cousin,like dais before, I’m a direct line, the hydes to 1167, people get stuck at. Hyde the piate, he isn’t the 3th,I could take back 1167, look at Matthew de hyde, work your way back, anyway Richard the first is 1610-1669, Richard the 2nd is 1647-1710, the 3th is 1705-1785, the pirate was just that, the martins, an the Farley’s married into the hydes,i have everything in my books, it’s going to blow your mine!

  • I think that my grandfather, Rufus Homer Hyde, was related to this family. He was born in 1909 in Fulton County, Ga. (I believe), and died in 1995 in Cleveland County, NC. This is his DSS card. Unfortunately, I don’t have much more information on his childhood than that provides.

    • Blake, this is Tom “Doc” Hyde’s direct line, so I’ve asked him to take a look at this. In my reply to Dorothy, which appears directly above your comment, is a breakdown of the Stephen Hydes. There’s quite a lot of (free) information on Familysearch.org, so you may want to use that to get birth, marriage, death, census and other records to fill in the blanks of this outline: Rufus Homer Hyde b 6 Aug 1909, married Epthia Pauline Curtis….Rufus’ parents were Rufus Thornton Hyde b 1881 and Della Clark b 1886….Rufus T’s parents were Daniel Tense Hyde b 1835 and Martha Eulone Mabry b 1848 (father Osbern Mabre/Mabry)…they appear in the 1870 census Shoal Creek, Dawson, GA next door to Pinien or Pinion family. Confederate soldier. Daniel T’s parents were…it gets very sketchy from here….possibly Daniel or David Hide/Hyde…On the 1810 census for Greenville, SC there’s a young Daniel – although could be David – Hide, approx 22 years old with his young wife. They are living near Linderman/Lenderman, Redman/Redmon, and Ray families, as well as Jacob Black and Samuel Dyer. In the 1830 census for Pickens, SC they are living next to Stokes Pinion, Noel Hyde and Stephen Hyde…Daniel Hide/Hyde’s parents are said to be Stephen Hyde and Mary “Molly” Waddell. On Hyde DNA, this is our R-M512 Group from England.

  • I’m trying to figure out what hyde line I belong to. My 3x great grandfather was Rufus F Hyde. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    • Mary, yours is the William Christopher Hyde line. i sent you some information via email, let me know if you have any questions.

  • My husband is the 4 greatgrandson of Micajah Hyde. We are looking for more information as well. We hit a stumbling block with him everytime. What could a blood test prove? Thanks for any info ☺

    • AJ, fortunately for us all, a DNA test does not require blood, but just a Q-tip rubbed gently on the inside of your cheek then sealed in a vial and mailed back to Family Tree DNA. Our surname project has descendants of Micajah, and Diane Parvin is a good person to speak with about that, as is Tom Hyde. I’ll send you an email directly.

  • Diane, I am related to Micajah Hyde also. Micajah-William Jackson-William Thomas (Thom)-Nelia Hyde Wood-Lottie Blanch Wood Benson-Nellie Margaret Benson Webb-Mike Webb.
    I would very much lik to be part of your discussion group on the Hyde’s.
    Do you have any information on where William Jackson Hyde and Mary Caroline Head Hyde are buried? Mary Caroline’s, parents, Billy and Sarah Head, are buried at Airline Baptist Church.
    Also, did you know that William Thom Hyde operated a grist mill in Hall County? Hall County bought the mill several years ago and is now in the process of restoring the mill. I think they are planning a dedication in the near furture.
    Again, please add me to your association and list.
    Mike webb
    Newnan, GA

    • Hi Mike, thank you for your post, I would be glad to share information and eraser have our Hide/Hyde families with you. Micajah Hyde’s son Jesse Daniel Hyde, was my great great grandfather, married Sarah Jarome Barton. Your William Jackson would have been Jesse’s brother, and my great grandfather William Jackson would have been named after him. I believe your William Jackson died in the Civil War. I believe he was born in 1834, Hall Co., GA, married Mary Caroline Head 15 March 1852, daughter of William Head and Sarah Thompson. The Hydes and Bartons were very active in the Timber Ridge Baptist Church located about 11 miles outside of Gainesville, GA. Micajah Hide and his wife Mary joined by letter May 1852. William Jackson and Mary Caroline Head were received “by experience “ in September, 1853. I don’t know the date of William Jackson’s death, will look further into his Civil War records. I found C. Hide in the 1860 census living with William and Sarah Head and Thomas Hide, age 6 and Jackson Hide, age 4. I found Mrs. M. C. b. 1833, d. Oct. 1910, buried in the Timber Ridge Cemetery, Hall Co., GA. In 1859 my Barton/ Hyde families migrated to Winston Co., AL, and most of my search has been there. I’m glad to be finding more about the other children of Micajah. Thanks again, I look forward to sharing more information.

      Diane Parvin

  • Hello,
    I was made aware of this site by Dan Hyde. My gig grandfather was Ansel Madison Hyde. He was born in Georgia and moved to Marion/winston county in Alabama. The area where they lived was Thornhill and he owned a store there. My great grandfather was Oralndo Hyde he was called Lando by everyone and moved with his mother to Florence, Alabama after the death of his father in 1886. I think it his ties into the Micajah line somehow. Thanks Debe

    • This would be Robert Orlando Hyde, 1879 – 1936, (not to be confused with Orlando Cortez Hyde, different line as far as I know). Robert Orlando was as you say, the son of Ansel Madison Hide/Hyde and Mary Amanda Hicks. Ansel and Mary can be found in the 1860 census in Winston, AL, 1870 and 1880 censuses in Marion, AL. Censuses show Ansel born circa 1833 in GA, both parents born GA. Marriage record for Ansel M Hyde and Mary A Hicks in Hall County, GA 29 Sept 1853. Ansel, various spellings, is believed to be a son of David Hide/Hyde of Hall County, GA, born in GA circa 1804 and appearing on the 1850 census there, so this is one of the David Jrs as Sr was already aged 60-69 in 1830 Hall County Census. This appears to make Ansel Madison a brother of one of the Micajahs and a cousin of the “Micajer” (age 30-40) and William (age 20-30) Hydes living next to David Sr in 1830. The best person to contact about this line is Diane Parvin, whose email is provided above.

    • Rose, please be as specific as you can. Are we talking about Cherokee or another tribe? Is this thought to have come down through the Pound/Pounds line?

    • So far as I know neither I nor any of my Hyde/Barnett /Pounds relatives who have had DNA testing have shown any Native American DNA.

  • My great great grandfather was William Jackson Hyde born 1834; died 1855. Married Mary Caroline Head born 1833; died 1910. Both buried at Timber Ridge Baptist church, Gainesville, Georgia.

    My great grandfather was Jessie J. Hyde; married Harriett Caroline Greenway.
    Both buried at Whitehall Baptist Church, Gainesville, Georgia.

    Any help in which Hyde line would be appreciated.

  • My great-grandfather is William Jackson Hyde. My bother and I just visited the Sardis Cemetery in Lynn, AL where his father Jessie Daniel is buried. Unfortunately, the grave of his wife is unmarked now. We also visited the Union Grove Cemetery in Bear Creek, AL where William and Elizabeth and several of their children are buried. My grandparents Thad Gordon and Susie Hyde Gordon are buried nearby in the Ireland Cemetery. I would love to have any information you may have accumulated on the Hyde or Barton families. My email is below.

    Thank you,
    Freda Gordon Silva

    • William Jackson Hyde and wife Harriet Elizabeth Barnett are part of the Micajah line. This page needs updating. Diane Parvin is the genealogist to contact with questions. Diane, please email me when you get a chance. Thanks!

  • Does anyone know where Ansel Madison Hyde was buried? he died in 1870’s in Winston county Alabama. He was married to Mary Amanda Hicks. thanks Debe

  • Donald B. Dodd and Wynelle S. Dodd published a book in 1972 “Winston: An Antebellum and Civil War History of A Hill County of North Alabama”, which includes an appendix with compiled cemetery records. The following record is recorded: Ans. M. Hyde 9/23/1830-10/8/1885; M.A. Hyde (wf) 18?-9/22/1889. Hyde Cem. W. of Haleyville.

  • Looking for parents/ancestors of Susanna(h) Elizabeth Hyde of Greenville Cty, SC. Married to Lewis Robert Cox of same county and mother of Martha Louella Cox Forrester, born in 1872 in Mauldin, Greenville Cty, SC.

    Thank you for any info,

    • Susan Hide (var spellings) of Greenville, SC born 20 Aug 1844 m Lewis Robert/Robertson Cox b 19 Aug 1845. Numerous books on Cox family history. Per “Forgotten Heroes: Police Officers Killed in Dade County 1895-1995”, Lewis’s great great grandfather William Cox Sr (1730-1814) was a resident of Greenville at the time of his death. Susannah and her husband are buried at Bethel United Methodist Church Cemetery in Simpsonville, Greenville County, SC, along with others of both extended families. The Greenville News 3 July 1903 published her obituary, naming her father as Abner Hyde and confirming that she and Lewis had 9 children. She died at Mauldin, formerly called Butler’s Cross Roads. Hyde, Cox and Bramlett families all lived in this area. From this point on, a deeper level of research is needed to confirm connections. Lewis may appear in the 1850 census in Greenville, family #1760. 1755 is Newton Bramblete. Not far, Hyde families #1846 and #1848 with probable relatives of Susannah. Family #1849 is Wilson Ray and family #1856 is Jacob Harlan Hide, possible but unconfirmed extended family grouping. We know that John B Hyde who married Margaret Bramlett is a probably relative, as Bramletts appear in same area and are buried in same cemetery as Lewis and Susannah Cox. 1860 census appears to show Lewis living with William Cox family, possible grandfather or uncle in same area, now called Fairview, Greenville, Dublin post office. “Sana” Hyde is living with Wilson Ray family. Same area family #2279 appears to be Susannah’s family living with Pinson family (possible alternate spelling of Pinion?). Recommend contacting area history centers as we have nothing on Abner at present time, and the censuses can only suggest possible relationships.

      • Dear Ann, I just discovered your reply to my inquiry and want to let you know how much I appreciate the info. My mother was a Bramlett so I am aware of how close the Cox, Hyde and Forrester families were back in the day. Abner has remained a mystery and even though Jacob Harlan is mentioned in documents passed down in the family as a possible ancestor there is no definitive proof. You’ve done a great job here and I am grateful for your work.


        • Sarah, there are some mysteries that we’ll never have satisfactory answers to. But sometimes we can get close. My last dozen or so queries and emails have all been about the same extended family. 
          In the 1860 census for Fairview, Greenville, SC, Dublin post office, on page 3 of 13, we find Lewis Cox, aged about 16, living with his grandparents William and Eliza Cox. On the same page, Dianna (Hyde) age 65 is living with husband Wilson Ray age 70 and an as-yet unidentified Sara Hyde age 77.
          Fairview was a very small town and the census is only about 13 pages long, so it’s easy to do a search for all people named “Susan” or similar. There were only two – Susan Meeks can be ruled out. The other, on page 6 of 13, is Susannah Hyde. Household of Jeremiah Pinson age 48, Sally Pinson age 70, Mary Graham age 60, Gracy Hyde age 42, Jane Hyde age 16, Susanna Hyde age 9, Elizabeth Hyde age 60, Elizabeth age 39, and Mary A age 1. My impression is that there are several buildings on this farm, so this single household might really be 3 or 4 semi-cooperative ones. 
          Turn the clock back 10 years to the 1850 Greenville, SC census, on pages 251 and 252 of 305, and we see household #1846 Elizabeth Hide age 58, Gracy Hyde age 28, Sara (possibly “Sara Jane”?) Hide age 6;  #1847 Mary Graham age 60 again, William Graham age 50, Elizabeth Graham age 25;  #1848 Sara Hide age 66;  #1849 Wilson Ray age 50, and Diana (Hyde) Ray age 48. 
          If the census is accurate, it would make Susan about 15 at the time of her marriage, which is not unusual. Census ages can be off for a number of reasons, sometimes it has to do with birthdates and the month a census was taken, or these can simply be misremembered, misstated or misheard, which was generally – but not always – unintentional.
          The marital status of the women in the Greenville censuses is not given. Something I run into with large farm families is that they will sometimes group the elderly and the young with caregivers for part of the year, and send the young men out to different farms. The reason I mention this is because I can’t place any of the women. There’s a whole succession of Wilson Rays in North Carolina but nothing yet to link a Hide/Hyde with a Ray in SC. They’re living very close to Jacob H, but the thing is, Diana is not the daughter of Noel Hide and Elizabeth Black.   
          The probate papers of Jacob Black, filed in Greenville, SC in 1839, mention Jeremiah Hide and his wife Sarah Black; Noel Hide and his wife Elizabeth Black and their eight children – Jacob Harlan Hyde (married Mary “Polly” Cox), Jeremiah (married Sara Dyer), Charles (married Mary MNU), Reuben (married Margaret W MNU), Parker Bottoms married Mary “Polly” Hide, Anthony Fowler married Sarah Hide, Thomas Sanford married Elizabeth Hide, and Thomas Weaver married Nancy Hide. Noel and Elizabeth did not have any other children. It’s possible she’s the daughter of Noel’s brother Jeremiah Hide/Hyde and wife Sarah Black, so something to check into.  
          While I think about it, if anyone writes an overly long post (like this one) and it gets caught in our spam filter (also like this one), email me and I’ll take care of it.

  • Looking for info on my 3rd great grandfather John Simmons that married Mary Hyde 1858 in Hall County Georgia. They had two sons Thomas and Jackson.

    • Mary Hyde, daughter of Mary and Micajah married John Taliaferro Simmons in Hall County, GA, 23 Dec. 1858. He was the son of Joshua Simmons (1790-1861) and Sarah Lewis (1793-1891), see Genealogy of the Lewis Family in America: From the Middle of the of the seventeeth century down to the present time Volume 1. The information on the Simmons family came from a transcription of the Simmons Family Bible from 1733 to 1923, transcriber Sallie Taylor Simmons. Further information concerning the transcription can be found here http://www.bookofbowie.net/family/INDIs/II4193.html#pedi

  • Hello, I’m researching my mother’s side ancestry. Her name is Juanita Hyde(Simek) born to John H. Hyde and Levonia Savage Hyde of Hall county. My grandfather had a corn mill on Noah Martin Rd off of Old Cornelia Hwy. I believe my mom was born in New Holland and her parents worked for the cotton mills.
    John Henry Hyde’s father was William Thomas Hyde, who was a son of William Jackson Hyde, who was the son of Micajah Hide married to Mary Keen. My research on the Hyde side stops at David Samuel Hide(Hyde), father to Micajah.
    Any historical information is appreciated. Thanks

  • Jennifer, I’m in the midst of wrapping up another project and the answer to your question is long and complicated. More information will be forthcoming. For now, David’s father was George Hide, born circa 1768, who left a will. We can track George and his brothers back to Franklin and Spartanburg and beyond, but I’m waiting on some information from Anson County, will let everyone know when we’ve had a chance to add that to what we know about Hides in Granville. This line is often mistaken for the “Richard the Pirate” line but DNA shows them to be unrelated. In the meantime, I am VERY interested in all of the women, daughters and wives, because we don’t have nearly enough information on them. Do you, or does anyone, have information about Mary Keen? Is there anything proving her maiden name? Which David did Rosetta Redman marry in Hall County in 1828? Is her mother the Rachel Redman/Redmond who appears in the 1830 Hall County census? What is the relationship of Elizabeth Hide who married Dudley Pool, to Judith Hide, a minor who was provided for in Elizabeth’s husband’s will? Any information concerning the women, even the slightest mention on some list, would be helpful.

    • Ann, I was wondering if you have any updates or additional information regarding what you posted in October – “David’s father was George Hide, born circa 1768, who left a will. We can track George and his brothers back to Franklin and Spartanburg and beyond, but I’m waiting on some information from Anson County, will let everyone know when we’ve had a chance to add that to what we know about Hides in Granville.” I’m researching on behalf of a descendant of David Hyde Sr. (b. circa 1765) who I believe was a brother of the George Hyde you mentioned (b. circa 1768). From tax records it appears both were in Franklin County in the very early 1800s and then David went to Hall County by 1820. I’ve seen numerous trees stating they were sons of a George Hyde from Wilkes County, NC but I have yet to see any evidence of that. Any information you can share would be much appreciated.

      • Megan – This brings together several researchers that I still have to speak with, those in our M512 – DYS448 null group. I did get Anson County clarified but those Stephen Hydes (father and son) were not related to the Stephen/Steven Hyde/Hide who is part of this M512 line. David Hide (bc 1768-1845). David was named in his father George Hide’s will, filed 29 July 1790, Wilkes County GA, Deed Book GG. George’s unnamed wife predeceased him, but his children are given as David, George, Betty, Pleasant, and Winnie. Through both records and DNA, we know that George Hide of Wilkes was the son of an earlier George Hide, born no later than 1734, who appears in Johnston County NC in the 1750’s and in Surry County, NC in the late 1760’s. There are one or two areas where we’ve talked about hiring someone at the local history center because the records we need are not online and it helps to have someone familiar with the library holdings and resources in those specific areas. There were many unrelated Hide/Hyde families moving along the frontier in NC in the mid-eighteenth century, and a few were living quite close to one another. Tom “Doc” Hyde has been gathering information for easily twenty years, probably longer, and he and Ed Hyde have done a lot to disentangle these families and put them in the correct trees. There are still some inaccuracies and I hope that others will work with us and point these out to us. We don’t have anything prior to George Hide Sr’s appearance in NC, although we know that he was related through DNA to Charles Hide Sr and Steven/Stephen Hide Sr, both also appearing in Surry, NC, in the 1750’s. I haven’t been able to get a good estimate on the ages of either Charles or Stephen as they were deceased prior to the 1800 census. DNA has helped us to rule out the line of Richard Hide “the pirate” as well as several nearby Hide families who came to NC from CT, MA, MD and PA. We’ll continue to work on this line and post updates when we can. Feel free to email me directly as I have a copy of the will and some other documents.

  • My second great grandfather John T. Simmons married Mary Hyde in Hall County Georgia in 1858, they had two sons Thomas and Jackson they both were buried at Enron Baptist Church Cemetery in Hall County Ga. I’m trying to find out where John T. Simmons was buried, please any info would be helpful.

  • Danny, any info is something I can provide, where he’s buried is more complicated. Let’s take a look at the information, keeping in mind that John  Simmons is a fairly common name. There’s a Confederate military record (46th Regiment, Company H) for a John T Simmons who was born in Marion County GA in 1841, not the right guy. We know that John Simmons (no middle initial) and Mary Hyde were married in Hall County GA on 23 Dec 1858 by Armestid Whitlock, a Baptist minister who happened to be a neighbor of Mary’s parents, Micajah and Mary Hide, as well as possibly John Simmons parents, Joshua and Sarah (Lewis) Simmons. I say “possibly” because of the data points: 1. the marriage record doesn’t mention a middle initial 2. the death record of their son Thomas also doesn’t mention John’s middle initial 3. the book “Genealogy of the Lewis Family in America…” by William Terrell Lewis https://www.google.com/books/edition/Genealogy_of_the_Lewis_Family_in_America/fu4wAAAAMAAJ?hl=en mentions on page 269 that John Taliaferro (pronounced “Tolliver”) Simmons born 1832 died single in Auburn, Lee County Alabama in 1861. On the surface, it seems that he could not be the husband of Mary and father of Thomas B and Jackson W Simmons, both born between 1862-1865. It might possibly be another John in part of the same large family, which migrated from VA to Rutherford, NC to the part of Franklin County GA that became Hall County. Joshua and Sarah Simmons are noted as members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. John Talliaferro Simmons and Mary Hide appear to have grown up tantalizingly close to one another as you can see in the 1850 census, but that’s not quite enough to work with in terms of there possibly being more to the story. I looked for Mary or possibly Polly Simmons and her children in the tax lists, following her Hide siblings, but unfortunately Jack/Jackson W Simmons and Tom/Thomas B Simmons and all the variants in between occur very often. It appears the two brothers remained not far from Hall and Banks County, where they appeared together as farmers and renters in 1900. It looks as though they may have been sent to work on nearby farms from a young age, but that’s not definite. A professional genealogist might be able to make more of this, and the Simmons DNA Project at Family Tree DNA looks as though they might have someone in the extended line, so you might consider a Y-DNA test to possibly connect with other family members. 

  • Can anyone identify the parents of Stephen Hyde? My guess has been that this Stephen’s father was named, William, but it’s only a guess.
    My Stephen Hyde who was b.abt.1810 and married Jane Frick/Frixt in South Carolina.

    • Create a free login on http://www.FamilySearch.org to view Stephen Hyde and Jane Fricks – Frix
      1850 census, image 301 of 523: https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:M8QK-ZC1 Keep in mind there’s no shortage of Stephen Hide/Hydes here and there’s a lot to disambiguate. The 1850 census states that Stephen, a farmer, was born 1810 in North Carolina, later censuses say born around seven years later in South Carolina. He should not be confused with Stephen A Hyde, a miller, born 1804 in South Carolina, who was married to Martha Sandford. The 1830, 1840, 1850 census (image 242 of 523) in Pickens, SC are all Stephen A Hyde, who by 1860 had moved to Dawson County, GA. Which happens to be the same county where Stephen b 1810 moved. To further disambiguate, Stephen A born 1804 had son Stephen H Hyde born 1847, and Stephen b 1810 had son Stephen Garvin Hyde b 1848. I would refer to Stephen b 1810 as Stephen Garvin Hyde Sr, however unless there’s a deed or some other paper proof that he had a middle name, it’s best to call him Stephen b 1810 for now.
      Stephen b 1810 also moved to Dawson County, GA and married Rachel Nicholson (maiden name O’Barr) there on 12 Aug 1858, see Source documents in the Family Search profile for marriage documents. It’s likely that both Stephens are part of the same extended family, that of the 448’s, haplogroup R-M512 formerly R1a1. I don’t want to jump to conclusions though because many different Hyde families passed through NC to SC in this time period. If a direct male Hyde descendant of Stephen Hyde born 1810 takes a basic DNA test that provides a Y haplogroup result (Family Tree DNA Y test is best. Ancestry or 23andMe will work.) and the haplogroup returns M512, then we know exactly where to look for paper proof as there are only a few M512 possibilities. If it returns a different haplogroup, there are only two other Hyde families in Pickens in this time period who were in NC prior to the move to SC, and we have DNA for both. There are rare instances where two Hyde families living in close proximity to one another assume they are related, or others assume they must be, based on proximity alone. Sometimes this holds true, but not always. The M512’s are Tom “Doc” Hyde’s extended line, and we’re going to be doing a lot of work with that line over the next several months.
      Children listed with Stephen and Jane Hyde are daughters Frances, Nancy, and Cassy, and sons William, Henry, (Stephen) Garvin, and (Pleasant) Alexander. Living with them is Jane’s mother, Cassy Frixt. It’s probably safe to assume that all the children listed in the 1850 census belong to Stephen and Jane, however, the youngest child, Pleasant Alexander, shows his mother as Mary Carney on his death certificate. This suggests that Jane, born approx 1818 in SC, passed away in the ballpark of 1850-55 and the youngest children were raised by Mary Carney. It’s not clear if Stephen Hyde and Mary Carney were married or had children of their own, but it is clear that Mary was remembered by at least one of the younger children as his mother. To disambiguate, some have Mary Carney marrying Stephen Hyde and moving by herself to Montevallo, Shelby AL and dying after 1880, but this is actually Mary Gross, the second wife of Austin Hyde, living in 1880 with her daughter Martha who married Zachariah Taylor Honeycutt. Austin Hide is part of this extended M512 line. Mary Carney, second wife of Stephen born 1810 did not have a daughter named Martha, although she had a son James E Hyde, said to have been born in Georgia in May of 1852.
      Jane Frix’s parents were Jacob Frix and Cassandra “Cassy” Watkins. Jacob was born in Rowan County, NC approx 1780, the Fricks/Frix line is fairly well documented. There are two men named Jacob Frix in the 1820 census, (probably the correct ) one in Pendleton, SC and the other still in Rowan, NC. By 1830, Jacob was in Pickens, SC where Stephen Hyde and Jane Frix evidently met and married around 1838. I’m not able to find Stephen b 1810 and wife Jane in 1840 census; they are most likely living with relatives.
      For this particular Hyde branch, the earliest confirmed ancestor is Stephen Hide born NC circa 1750, who married Martha “Mollie” Waddle bc 1753. 1st Stephen’s son James Hide bc 1768 married Susannah Bottoms bc 1784. 1st Stephen’s son Noel Hyde married Elizabeth Black. The probate papers of Elizabeth’s father, Jacob Black, filed in Greenville, SC in 1839, give us a clear snapshot of some of this family, namely the children of Noel Hide (born 1774, brother to James b 1768) and wife Elizabeth. The papers mention Noel’s brother Jeremiah Hide and his wife Sarah Black; and Noel and Elizabeth’s eight children – Jacob Harlan Hyde (married Mary “Polly” Cox), Jeremiah Hyde (married Sara Dyer), Charles Hyde (married Mary MNU), Reuben Hyde (married Margaret W MNU), Parker Bottoms married Mary “Polly” Hide, Anthony Fowler married Sarah Hide, Thomas Sanford married Elizabeth Hide, and Thomas Weaver married Nancy Hide. All or nearly all of these families lived in Greenville, SC prior to moving to Pickens, SC.
      In the 1830 Pickens, SC census, we see Jacob Fricks, image 531 of 769 https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:33S7-9YTY-LKG?view=index&action=view If you move your mouse to either end of the page, arrows will appear and you can move through the pages:
      1830 census https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XHGY-ZF4
      Page 272 (aka pg 531 of 769) Jacob Fricks
      Page 273 – (533 of 769) Thomas Sandford, Isaiah Hyde and David Bottoms
      Page 305 (597 of 769) – Stephen A Hyde b1804, Anthony Fowler who married Sarah Hide, Noel Hyde, Stokes Pinion, John Bottoms, and David Hyde (unplaced, age 40-50)
      Page 306 – James Hyde b 1768 and sons John and Ezra.
      Page 321 (aka pg 629 of 769) Mathias, Lewis and John Fricks.
      In the 1840 Pickens, SC census, Jacob Frix has passed away and his widow Cassy may be living with relatives. Stephen and Jane may also be living with relatives. We see Jane’s relatives Mathias, Preston and Henry Fricks on page 24 (aka 720 of 958) https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:33S7-9YT5-9GQV?view=index&personArk=%2Fark%3A%2F61903%2F1%3A1%3AXHRY-FQG&action=view.
      1840 census, page 25 (722 of 958) we see Thomas Sandford, James Hyde (son of the 1st Stephen) age 70 to 80, living with a female (not clear if daughter, wife or other relative) age 50-60 and two females.15-20 and 20-30.
      1840 page 26 (724 of 958) are numerous Hyde, Sanford, Pinion, Carney, Bottoms, Black and other associated families. All Hyde heads of household on page 26 are: Reuben Hyde age 30-40, Dennis Hyde age 20-30, Daniel Hyde age 50-60, Ezra Hyde age 40-50, and presumably Stephen A b 1804, who has 3 sons (under 5, 5-10, 10-15) and six daughters, (two of each: under 5, 5-10, 10-15). It’s possible that some of these are multi-family households. Stephen A Hyde is living next door to Shem Carney, Lott Carney, William Carney, and Lemuel Carney. Lot is Mary Carney’s father, as well as the father of Mary’s brothers Shem, William, and Lemuel. Lot’s parents were Absolum/Absolom Carney, bc 1745 and Sarah, maiden name unknown.
      To put the Hydes on page 26 in the 1840 Pickens SC census in a bit more context, Reuben Hyde is the son of Noel Hide and Elizabeth Black. He’s close to Thomas Weaver, who married Noel and Elizabeth’s daughter Nancy. There is a “Sina” or Cena Lowrey/Lowry on the page who connects to this Hyde family somehow, making a note to my future self – if anyone can clarify please jump in. Through deeds, Ezra Hyde is the son of James b 1768. Through deeds, we know that Isaiah Hyde who first appeared in the 1830 census but not the 1840 census is also the son of James b 1768. Daniel Hyde b 1788 is the son of the 1st Stephen Hyde who married Martha Waddle. So Daniel b 1788 the brother of both Noel b1774 and James b1768. Daniel married Susannah Pless bc 1785 and moved to the Shoal Creek area of Dawson County GA before 1860. Dennis Hyde bc 1810 is the son of Daniel Hyde and Susannah Pless. Daniel Hyde is also the father of the other Stephen Hyde bc 1804, the miller. There’s a David Hyde who I have not been able to place within this family, a potential son of 1st Stephen and Martha Waddle Hyde.
      The 1850 census is the first confirmed sighting of Stephen b 1810 as far as I know, and I think a search of the deeds in this area will place him within this family in the right place.
      In the 1860 census he has followed his extended family to Dawson, GA, is a mechanic, and is with third wife Rachel, whose maiden name was O’Barr, her first husband Joshua T Nicholson https://www.familysearch.org/tree/person/sources/GQ1N-53X – and here they are in 1860 census, with her son Joshua Nicholson Jr: https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:MZM5-9VF
      The 1870 census is the last one Stephen Hyde appears in with son George. Living very close to him is Mary’s grandfather, Absolom Carney. I’m not able to link to it on FamilySearch, but sent you a copy.

    • Connie, I responded to your other email but just wanted to put a note here. We’re going to be looking at deeds for what appears to be your extended family, but that’s going to take some time. The Y-DNA test with confirmed haplogroup from a direct male Hyde descendent of Stephen would be very helpful.

  • My greatgrand mother, Mary Hyde of Walker and Jefferson Counties, Alabama, is decendent of Hyde’s from Hall Co. Ga. Any sources that I can research for family search ?

    Milt Simmons

    • Milt – This took me a second. Normally I ask for more information, spouse’s name, parents, birth/death dates, town, etc. I just happened to glance up and realized you posted on the Micajah page, so I see where Micajah’s daughter Mary, born 1826, married John Simmons. The M512/448s are all related, and both Micajah Hide and Jesse Gould Hyde are part of the same large extended family. We’re going to be spending a lot of 2025 working on this line. The furthest ancestor right now appears in Johnston County, NC in 1757, possibly with a few of his brothers. This is George Hide (approx 1739 – 1770) who m Elizabeth Pool (approx 1751-1769). George left a will naming his children, including Micajah’s father David Hide (1768-1845). Tom “Doc” Hyde may have found the family in Orange County NC in 1755, approx two years before the move to Johnston. So as far as sources go, I think the Johnston County Heritage Center is a first step. Note that this family is not associated with the Hydes of Northampton County, VA whose immigrant ancestor was Richard Hide b 1611.

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